Gilly Royal

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"You won't be able to read my mind"

Yesterday , 10th October, I met some other treasures on the street.  A group selling tech stuff – one a young guy called Ollie. I explained what I was doing and how I believe people deserve to see the goodness of God, not just be preached at.  I gave him a few words just there as I stood – I think two of the three words hit the mark, not sure about the other one.  He was happy about me chatting “God stuff” to him even though he isn’t a believer.  He said he had seen some people praying in the street in the town he's from.  He was intrigued by my story of meeting God the first time and then really wanted me to hear God for his colleague "Joe"…..

"Joe" -  Irish guy, jokey, banterful, a little on the older side.  He cynically said it would be difficult for me to" read a mind" like his and I assured him I don’t read minds but hear God’s heart for others!.  So the challenge was on ……and I was totally banking on Holy Spirit coming to my rescue as I had NOTHING for "Joe" at that point!!. Absolutely nothing.  I began to speak and different words just came as I stood there in front of him – the first was about God wanting to restore things in his relationship with his parents (he started to go quiet now and obviously understood what this meant, agreeing about the situation being as I described)   

The next was just one word “wanderer” - that he is a roaming soul, someone with wanderlust who doesn’t like to settle in one place but likes to move on from place to place– he jumped in here saying "oh yes!  I hate being settled in one place, I have to be on the move, yes, that’s right!!  And he described that a bit more…!

Then I told him i saw him in connection with the sea, like on a boat or something to do with the water – again he jumped in excitedly saying it was his dream to go to Bulgaria and have a jet ski/power boat company!  Is that what you see, he asked??!!  I said I didn’t know that -  just that I saw him in connection with the sea - the Bulgaria dream could be it of course.  God would show him.

Finally there was something coming to me about a sibling ….a brother?  About being close to a sibling? – “oh that would be my sister, I'm close with her – “hmm, I said,  but there is something else, about your brother ….turns out he has a brother he is not at all close to and has broken relationship.  Well I believe God wants to bring reconciliation to that relationship I said. He nodded seriously. 

Then he asked me “How are you doing this?” I explained about Jesus being in me and gave my testimony.  He went on for a bit about how the world should just get on with things and not get so hung up on stuff and how it doesn’t t matter which god you have etc … I let him talk but kept bringing it back to how glad I was that I knew Jesus who loves us so radically….. I encouraged him to ask Jesus to come and show him who he is .  "Joe" was actually a bit freaked out at what might happen if God did come and show himself (eg would things fall off shelves etc??!)  but I explained that He is not a ghost but is pure love with absolutely nothing in Him to fear.  The only negative thing to feel would be the wish to have met this incredible Jesus much, much sooner. 

Father please let "Joe” retain all he is meant to retain from that encounter in such a way as it will draw him closer to you in a very real way

Then I spoke to Henri …..I had heard him speak to his colleague and was pretty sure he must be French so I asked him.  Turns out he is from Biarritz and only been in UK for one month.  A well dressed, intelligent guy.  We chatted  (partly in French!) during which he asked me if I was still a teacher …I.replied I do some teaching but with adults now - how to know God better and enjoy relationship with him.  There followed a really good conversation where Henri asked me lots of God questions – not to deflect at all but genuinely to know.  Stuff about church, re-incarnation, heaven and hell…stuff I could use to reveal who the Father is and the kind of relationship he has always wanted with us.  Henri said that he had had certain fleeting times when he thought he felt the spiritual presence of something good – maybe an angel.  We talked about the spiritual realm and I was able to tell him my testimony.  It felt like a really precious interaction and that Holy Spirit has been leading Henri in beautiful ways over the years, especially recently.  I trust you to continue leading and revealing yourself to Him, Father.  Thank you for this meeting today.


Finally I met and prayed for Paul, a middle aged guy working on a stall.  He didn’t want prayer for physical healing but was happy to let me pray for his mind. From what he said he gets mood swings and depression so I prayed for him along this line  Afterwards he said he normally would have felt fear by now but he hadn’t felt afraid and instead felt good.  A simple kind of guy and a simple kind of encounter but I trust you have marked his heart with your indelible love, Holy Spirit. 

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