Gilly Royal

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Heaven's song on the street

Uxbridge Encounters 9th Sept – My Mums birthday!

Before I went in to Uxbridge, I asked HS if there were any particular conditions/pains he wanted to heal and I actually felt a sudden, acute pain in my left shoulder going down my arm and also left hip area – everything was on the left side. I knew I didn’t have any problem in that area so took it as a word of knowledge for healing….injuries/pain on the left side in someone i would meet.

Nothing much caught my attention but once out on the high street I heard the sound of classical music and singing!  I thought there must be someone playing a sound system out on the street but it turned out to be a man actually singing opera live! I listened for a while and looked around for folk I could pray for. while waiting.   I spoke to a lady briefly (a believer) then came back to the area later. I felt that Father may have something special for the opera singer! 

I felt I had a word for him about someone close to him who had died and how he was now carrying a heavy heart burden that he hadn’t done all he could in the relationship before this person passed. This troubled him and took his peace.  God wanted to help him find release from this burden, to let it go and have peace.  I waited for him to have an “interval” and went over to see him. He was very friendly and happy to chat.  His name is "Pablo", he is half European/ half S American and a professional opera singer.  I told him my reason for coming over and as I began to explain the word from God he started welling up and nodding. Then suddenly, of his own initiative, he said “It’s my father!” (the one who had died etc) 

He explained more about that and how recently he had tried to find a way to forgive his father but he felt like he was stuck and unable to do it.  I spoke about God’s honouring of our choices and how our choosing to forgive someone - even if we didn’t have “forgiveness feelings” initially- was very precious to Him He confided other things to me – deep things about fearing he had not been wanted by his parents, especially his Dad, being the last of their many children.  It was a tender and beautiful time as he shared his heart with me.  He was quite mixed up spiritually with sort of Christian stuff mixed in with superstition and new age.

 I asked if I could have the honour of praying for him and he was very happy to say yes.  I was able to pray healing for his heart from the rejection and sense of not really being wanted and for Peace concerning his journey of forgiveness which he could only really do in the strength of the One who had won forgiveness for all of us.  i just asked Father to come in his tangible love and wrap up his heart.  Probably other things too – as well as blessing his dream to sing on the world stage. Also that the times he would be spending with his Mum who had come over to visit would be very healing times for him.  Oh pursue this precious hurting boy with your relentless love, Papa. 

I was about to go to the car park when I came upon a young chap called "Ronan" at a sales stand.  When i explained what i was doing in Uxbridge we easily got into a talk about faith and God and stuff.  He had some pretty whacky ideas about “third eye” and new-agey kind of things. He had also had a terrible, off-putting encounter with a Christian which sounded very judgmental and " hellfire" based.  It felt like a privilege to be able to redeem God's name as the God of love; a good, good Father, not the Godfather. 

Eventually I got to say what HS had told me about meeting someone with pain on their left side.  It turned out to be him!  He had a painful messed up left shoulder with referered pain down his arm and other left side issues.  He was happy for me to pray and he said it did feel freer although the clicking was still there.  I prayed again and i think it was about the same.  He couldn't really check it fully.  It probably wasn’t a full healing but it was an encounter with Father’s love and power and a wonderful opportunity to put into action the message that God is love and wants good things for us.  "Ronan" has since left that job.  Follow him and keep revealing your love to Him Father.  Remind him of that encounter often and help him remember your love and care for him in that.

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