Gilly Royal

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Kicking out pain - in Jesus’ Name!

Pain has got to leave!

5th August 2016

So lovely to be out and about in warm days, no coats or people scuttling to get indoors.

I came across a young man called "Frankie" at some point on the High Street.  Maybe he was collecting for something, I don't remember.  But he was happy for me to pray for him when i explained what i was doing.  He had a troublesome stye on one eye (which wasn’t visible) and also suffered from neuralgia and restless leg syndrome!. He also told me that his Dad lives in Holland and he barely knows or sees him anymore.  I could sense the emotional pain this had caused Frankie.  I prayed for his physical healing but also for healing of his Father wounds through not having his Dad there for him in his life. Frankie was genuinely moved through this encounter and remarked that he had felt very loved by it.  He said wasn't really able to check his physical stuff but actually it was the heart things that were being touched in that moment.

Later I came upon a group of three folk - one older guy and two youngish girls who were all promoting the same business.  The two girls were being trained by the guy and it was their first day!  I asked if any of them had pain or injuries I could pray for,, so God could heal them?  The guy "Patrick" said that he had twisted his ankle and it was messed up.  The girls confirmed this and said he was always complaining about it!  I prayed simply and briefly commanding the pain to leave and the ankle to be healed.  Peter then walked on it and said it was totally fine!  In fact he tested it out by kicking it against a wall in front of the two girls and they were pretty amazed by that!  So was I!  I then asked if there was anything else they'd like prayer for and Peter asked me to pray for the success of the group's work. Which I gladly did..  One of the girls ("Sadie") said she had learned a lot watching me pray and that I was really feisty!  She was a believer but had not seen a miracle before!!  Glory! The other young lady ("Hadya") i think was a Muslim.

A colleague of that same team was by herself further down the high street too.  Her name was "Bella".  She was really open to having prayer after I told her what had happened with Peter!  She wanted prayer for more focus and not to get distracted or discouraged.  She is creative and loves interior design.  She looked very happy after I prayed for her - she had never been prayed for before and was clearly moved by it.

There was a very strange guy sitting on a bench trying to play guitar and sing (badly!) but I stopped and we talked.  He was super tall - like I'm talking 7 feet!  He'd obviously had some really messed up interaction with church and hates all religions.  He was singing about the universe in a very weird way, was deeply cynical of Christian stuff and didn’t want prayer for healing even though his legs were obviously not in good shape.  I shared a little of my testimony, going as far as I felt I could, then blessed him and moved on.  A sad and troubled man.  Release your fullest salvation blessing over him, dear Heavenly Father. 

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