Gilly Royal

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If at first you don't succeed.....

Monday 12th June 2017-06-20       SLOUGH

This was an interesting experience as my first approaches didn't work well (!) and Holy Spirit had to give me a different strategy to gain an opening.  I also had to press on and not give up after the initial blocks and not lose my determination or focus to see what God wanted to do.

As I walked out into the shopping centre area it wasn’t long before I saw two  young guys fundraising for something and was approached by one of them to talk about the charity.  I eventually got to tell them what I was doing in Slough and to ask them if they had any pain/injury etc I could pray for.  They said no, they were all good….though the younger one said he used to have a  back issue from a fractured vertebrae some years ago but he was fine now.  I didn’t really have anything else to share at that point so I moved on and looked around the High Street etc. (Sometimes directly asking people if they need healing works, sometimes it doesn't!) 

There were a few folk I approached who were promoting their business but nothing really touched down, they didn't take up offer for healing and I didn’t have anything prophetically for them except I got the name Hayley for one of them and her name was Kayleigh but spelt like Hayley !  I thought there were family issues in her family but she said no ….I think she didn’t want to say in front of others.  I just didn’t have any entry point there so moved on again!

I felt I needed to go back past the first two guys and asked Holy Spirit for a word for them on the way.  For the younger one I had a word about God putting in him a real “grit and determination” to go for the goal that he wanted and he would know exactly what that goal was.  He was to have a "single eye", a single focus and not to waver when the doubts came in and tried to take him off course or other voices tried to sway him off.    The other guy's word was one about supply and provision vs lack and insufficiency.

I met the younger man – he was happy to see me again.  His name is "Oscar"  I had seen him moving around awkwardly before I arrived and just knew his back was giving him trouble.  But I explained about getting words of encouragement from God to bless people and he was happy to hear what I had for him.  The words immediately hit home. He knew exactly what the goal I mentioned was – he wanted to start his own business and had done for years-    His own Dad had always told him to work hard for it  and not give up no matter what the obstacles.  Now his Heavenly Father was saying the same plus offering to input the grit and determination he would need to reach his goal.  He was very glad of the encouragement

Then I just looked at him and said “Won’t you please let me pray for that back?  I can see it’s bothering you”.  He was now ready and happy to receive healing prayer after the prophetic encouragement had prepared the ground!  He scaled the pain as a 4 and said it hurt to bend over and touch his toes.  So I prayed ……and it went from 4 to zero immediately!  His reaction as he came back up from touching his toes painlessly was…..colourful (!!) and it’s probably good it didn’t make it onto the recording!  Though it was certainly real!  Here’s the clip I got Oscar to do with me afterwards  (see below)

I didn’t get to talk to his colleague after that – he was busy with other customers and I didn’t want to interrupt that.  I wonder if I will see him again.  Father please let the testimony that Oscar shared with his colleague be your powerful word in itself – also to Oscar’s family and friends.  Never let that fade from his memory and let it draw him and them powerfully toward you.

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Oscar's Gilly

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