Gilly Royal

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"That can't be right ?!"....

SLOUGH4th August 2017-08-04

A fabulous morning in Slough today. 

As I prayed before I went into the town about any specific conditions that God might want to heal I thought I fleetingly heard “kidney”….but I just dismissed it straight away, thinking "that can't be right -  I'm not exactly going to meet anyone going about with kidney disease" …..To be continued!!

The other area I thought I heard was legs – leg issues, pain especially lower leg, possibly right leg.

So…..the first person I encountered was a lovely girl working for a tech company.  Her name is "Victoria" and she was with her colleague Omar who I think is a Muslim..  When I mentioned that I was there in town to pray for people with pain,"Victoria" told me she had real pain in the back of her knee., it made it really difficult to stand which she has to do all day in her job.  Her pain level at the time was 4 or 5 and she was happy to let me pray for her.  She is a a believer too but hasn’t seen anything like this kind of healing!  

The pain went down in degrees after each prayer – about 3 prayers in total and she felt a sort of twitching and then a tingling while I was praying.  Eventually she said it felt really good and could I pray for a friend of hers called Jordan who gets really bad headaches but lives in London somewhere - I think!.  I told her I would be happy to pray over the phone for him and told her about the young guy I prayed for over the phone this week with ankle pain of scale 8 that went down to zero.  She took my card with contact details.  I also blessed "Victoria" with a particular word for her about relationships and wisdom.  She received it and knew exactly what it meant.  She said she really wanted to grow closer to God and to hear his voice so I prayed for her in that line.  It was great and Omar was watching most of the time.  Pursue him with your presence and truth too Lord Jesus!!! 

Next I was passing by a bench and I saw a couple of guys on it – didn’t look homeless but kind of from rough lives.  I felt drawn to them and went up and introduced myself saying just that – I felt drawn to come over and to offer to pray for them f they have any medical issues going on in their body.  Their names are Paul and "Craig".  "Craig" was more hesitant and pulled back in silence but Paul said he had real pain in his knee and lower leg area!!  Left one.  He was happy to let me pray for him and put the pain at an 8 when he tried to stretch his leg out.  After the first prayer the pain went down to a six.  Then after the next one it went to a 4.  After the third time – it went to a zero and Paul could stretch his leg out with no pain or cracking all!  It was wonderful.  I asked him did he know who did that and he said “God”  He goes to a church on a Sunday and I think has a very simple faith.  Here is a little clip of talking to Paul afterwards:

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Paul's story Gilly

There were some fundraisers in town and I chatted with a couple of them.  One was a lovely young lady called Olivia.  Her colleague told me that Olivia got headaches when I explained about being there to pray for people and what I had already seen that morning.  Olivia said she is a believer and asked how I got into doing this…..!!  So then I prayed for her and afterwards she said she felt really relaxed and peaceful so I think that meant her headache wasn’t bothering her anymore!  I had a word for her that God knew she was headed in a new direction and wanted her not to be afraid for this next new phase because He already had things in hand and people in place who would be there to mentor her.  Stuff like that.  She said it was amazing to hear that because she had just graduated and didn’t know what was coming next so it was really encouraging for her to hear that from God for the next phase.  She wanted to give me a hug and it was just beautiful to give her a sign of His goodness and love in a special way.  She said “I hope you keep on doing what you’re doing because you are impacting lives in such a real way.  Sweeeeet!

And now for the “best till last”moment with a twist of Father’s humour …..

As i was starting to walk back to the car park, I came across Lee again (the mad long-distance runner!) ….he was with a young lady colleague and we just walked together as he asked me how my morning was and had I seen some good things (referring to my praying for people which he refers to as “faith healing”  I said yes!  I’d had a brilliant morning and talked about Paul having his knee healed from 8 to 0, then Victoria and Olivia….the girl colleague was listening to it all and said “Oh, that's so interesting!" ….so I asked her if she had any medical stuff going on at all and she began to tell me her story

Her name is Toni and she had been in and out of hospital with organ issues affecting her ….KIDNEYS!!!!  One had stopped working completely and the other one was damaged and gives her a lot of pain.  She was in pain right then in her back/side to the pont where she thought she should stop working for the day and just go home.  She was happy to let me pray for her.  Not a believer.  Some one in the hospital had prayed for her but she had not experienced healing.  I prayed for her just briefly and she didn’t feel any particular sensation as I prayed but then I took my hand away and asked her to check it out and SHE COULD NOT FIND THE PAIN ANYMORE!!!  It was crazy!!  5 to 0 in less than 1 minute!!  She was in shock!  Listen to a clip of her talking about it below....GLORY!

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Toni's story Gilly

It was so easy after that to tell her about how I called out to God not having a religious background and how Jesus had come and given me a brand new life.  I encouraged her to call out to Him too and ask him to make himself real and show her who He is and he would do it no question.  I gave her my card and contact details and we hugged and parted.  It was wonderful.

I learnt from that too that the slight nudge I had earlier about the kidney that I had dismissed – I should have taken note of it and expected to come across that person.  I told that to Toni too so she could see that Father had already lined up this meeting just for her ahead of time.  Pursue this beautiful one who is amazed at your love and goodness Father ! 

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