Gilly Royal

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The Big Book of Questions


My path crossed today with an engaging young man called “Farshad” -  in his twenties and representing a worldwide organisation.  I am fairly certain he is a Muslim though I don’t know for sure. We chatted about his work and as he was talking to me I could “see” him in front of me as a young boy of about 7 or 8 years old.  In this image he was sitting at a school desk, intently making notes in an exercise book.  I could tell that he was fully engaged with what he was writing and was not at all drawn to messing about or wasting time.  He was full of curiosity and interest in what he was writing.

I felt that Father was saying that it is time for Farshad to start writing again – to record the things that he has seen and experienced that have caught his curiosity and interest, just as in that earlier part of his life.  These are things that need to be recorded for his own benefit but also for the benefit of others.

When I told this “vision” to Farshad he immediately became animated and very surprised!  He was suddenly remembering how when he was 8 years old, he had a book he dearly loved called “The Big Book of Questions”.  It had information about the universe, the animal kingdom, all kinds of things!  He used to make notes intently from the book about the things he was learning. He took seriously the invitation to start writing again and I could see he was thinking about what this could look like for him now.  He was intrigued that I knew these things about him and it gave me a wonderful opportunity to talk to him about the God who knows everything about him and to share my testimony briefly of meeting Jesus in my time of need and walking with Him through life.  It really felt like water seeping into thirsty ground as I spoke.   Farshad said he would never forget this meeting or this day and I blessed him to call on Jesus and ask Him to reveal Himself to Farshad, just as He had when I called out to Him.  So precious.

At a certain point on the High Street I came across “Edward” and “Morris”.  Edward was half French and we spoke in French together for a bit which was a surprise for him and a nice one for me!  He wanted to know what I was doing in Slough and so I explained about praying for people including people in physical pain and encouraging them with the good things God has for them.  He was curious and interested in this and we had a good chat about encountering God vs having religion dumped on you.  I was able to share my testimony with him and it was a very cool conversation!   

His younger colleague Morris was with him - he was very new on the job.  I was able to release encouragement to Morris and his smile grew broader and broader as he heard these encouragements.  They didn’t have any physical issues but appreciated my offer to pray for them.  

As I was about to go, a lovely young lady who I had prayed for some weeks previously recognised me and came up to the three of us. She told the two guys that I had been an angel sent by God for her !! Ha ha!  She gave me a hug and left the two guys even more puzzled and bemused than they were before! Sweeeet!  Over to you,  Divine Networking Holy Spirit!!  

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