Gilly Royal

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Something moved when you said "Jesus"

Slough Last Day of October 

 Feeling much brighter in myself today than last week – plus it was a milder day with sunshine after some really cold recent days!

The first person I encountered actually approached me.  A young guy in his mid twenties, name ”Brett”.  I had seen him from a distance and asked Holy Spirit for an encouraging word for him. He’s into music and was promoting his CDs to raise funds for his next project.  I explained what I was doing in Slough and that I had an encouragement for him.  He was all ears!  It was to do with tangled threads of “complications” and how God was inviting Brett to partner with Him to see these become unravelled and for the terrain ahead to be smoothed out.  “Brett” immediately knew what this meant for him and nodded vigorously. 

He said that he is “spiritual” and listened to my own testimony of meeting God and his tangible Presence.  He was thoughtful and thankful for what I shared with him. I also felt that Brett needed to know that God knows when his birthday is – and talked a bit about this with him. It was personally significant to him. There were other things in our conversation - encouragement that God wants Brett to be more successful in his future than he could ever imagine but it would be good success that blesses his life in every way and doesn’t destroy.  It all pointed to me urging Brett to invite this wonderful Jesus to reveal Himself to him so that he too could know the “ liquid, incredible love” who is God.  He really connected with that description and promised he would.  

 I met “Joe” and “Vic” next. Two young guys.  I felt that Vic was from a believing background. The word I had for him was that God knew that Vic wasn’t satisfied with his relationship with Him.  God wanted to show him there was much more and that Vic would see miracles happen through his own hands especially healing people. Vic confirmed he is very up and down with God things and would really love to see miracles happen through him.  

Joe his colleague had a sore neck (pain scale 5) and I prayed first – it went down to 2 after a couple of short prayers.  Later I had Vic put his hand on the sore area. They both started joking around awkwardly at this point but then Vic did follow my coaching how to pray for Joe.  I think Joe felt a bit awkward but I truly believe that he was healed and will know that in the quiet of his alone time.  I encouraged Vic to look for opportunities to pray for peoples’ pain to leave in the name of Jesus – eg if his Mum had a headache.  He agreed he would try.  

Dear Holy Spirit please keep these precious boys in the school of your revelation and training. Lead them into all truth.  

A really quick encounter with a lady called “Sam”.  A canny, ‘seen a lot of life’ type of lady. She spends most of her days on her feet with her job and her legs were sore.  I didn’t say I was a Christian or was going to pray but just said to her “Let me just try something really quiclkly” and I pointed at her legs and told the pain and soreness to go completely and not come back in the name of Jesus!  She was rather bemused by this!  I explained how I pray for lots of people and see even high level chronic pain taken away through the name of Jesus.  She said she would tell me how she was doing if I saw her later on …which I did and she said she felt good!  Help her process this just how she needs to, dear Holy Spirit!

Beautiful opportunity to pray for a homeless, physically restricted man originally from Italy ( nice to talk a little in Italian with him). My heart really went out to him and it was an honour to pray for him and bless him.

Finally there was “Max” – a young man with a heavy Eastern European accent.  Not yet a believer.  Really into body building and workouts.  He said he had strained muscles and pain in his chest area particularly.  I prayed briefly for the area and he just didn’t know what to think and whether to put his feeling better down to being “in his mind”.  One thing he did say though – that when I said the word “Jesus” he felt something move inside his chest!!!!  Yes Jesus! There truly is wonderful power in your name!  I encouraged Max to invite Jesus to come and reveal Himself to him more and that Jesus could bring him the healing and help Max needs for every area of his life.  

However big the gaps in his understanding of all that, Holy Spirit, please lead Max into all truth as He encounters Jesus

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