Gilly Royal

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You can’t hurry love

Slough end November 2018 

Just a quick trip into town today.  As I sat in the car,  I asked Holy Spirit for any particular conditions he wanted to minister into.  I “saw” in my mind’s eye a picture of the spinal bones with the bottom part being emphasised. Lower back pain issues.  I also heard the word “feet”.  So off I went with those two things! 

 Although I had some nice chats with a couple of folk, they didn’t connect with those two areas of healing or need any physical healing that day and I didn’t get anything prophetically for them.  Then, as I was about to leave a store, a youngish assistant in the back of the store asked me about my day and whether I had seen certain Black Friday deals which were instore.  We had a friendly chat and then I asked her my “left field” question about lower back pain and maybe an issue to do with feet.

 At first she said “no” but then later said actually yes, she did have pain in her lower back and it puts pressure on her legs which then make her feet hurt!  “How did you know that…. that’s so weird” she said.  I explained that God had highlighted that so He could heal it in the person it affected.  So would she let me pray for her really briefly – just a matter of seconds?.  “No, I’m alright thanks”!! ….then she went on to repeat “That’s just so strange that you knew that”!  Again I repeated the offer of prayer, saying I wouldn’t have to touch her at all and again she said “No, I’m okay thanks”!  

 I had to respect her wishes and so could only bless her and thank her for chatting and then leave the store. It wasn’t the complete encounter I would have hoped for her, but you can’t hurry love - or force it on someone. I trust you Holy Spirit to use that meeting, even in its incompleteness, to draw this dear one closer to Jesus, her Saviour and healer. 

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