Gilly Royal

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A day of reunions

Slough 11th2018 

A day of reunions!

I had prayed and gathered a few “conditions” I felt I needed to look for in encounters today – dental and eye issues, leg pain, possibly backs.  Loneliness. 

The first person I encountered was someone I recognised from several months previously – "Glen", one of the guys who had come up from Bristol with colleagues Ty and Chris.  It was great catching up with him-  he remembered our last meeting well.  He didn’t have any physical needs but actually asked me if I would pray for him again – to do with moving to a new property. It was a joy to release words of faith, life and hope over the future of this dear one. When I finished praying He said his legs were sort of "itching"/tingling!  I explained about the tangible presence of God and that this is what he was feeling in his body.  He was pretty amazed at that!  And how God had me "bump into him" again today -  after all this time.  No co-incidence!   He told me his colleague Chris was down the other end of the street, so I looked forward to catching up with him too!  

Before then I had another “reunion” - the violinist from Romania who I had prayed with several months ago, for his young son who was in hospital having an operation.  He remembered me and said (in very broken English) that his son was well now and was back home in Romania.  I prayed a quick blessing over him and his family and left him to get ready for his next tune on the violin!  

I did catch up with "Bristol Chris"  (reunion no. 3!)  – he was the one who had a dental issue before and who had felt things move and stuff that had been stuck in his teeth for ages actually come out while I was praying.  He said he was fine now but remembered how crazy it was that day and said he had gone and told all his colleagues and supervisor about what had happened to him.! We had a nice chat and then I blessed him and went on my way.  

Next I met with two young ladies who I  hadn’t actually met before!  Ebony and Sabrina.  I got to ask them if they had any of the physical issues I had listed at the start of the day. They both had different types of back pain and they were both happy for me to pray for them.  Here are two brief voice recordings of what they experienced as a result of that prayer, starting with Ebony and then Sabrina - with a little interlude from one of the High St. "regulars"requesting some tea money! 


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Thank you Father for showing these two sweet girls your healing power and love for them personally.  Pursue them with your Holy Spirit until they own the name of Jesus as their own beloved Saviour

Back in the shopping centre there was an information stand with a few people running it – one of them became another reunion as I recognised Honor - the young lady I had given a word to some months previously about having a gift for teaching adults!  She was obviously in charge of the stand and the other staff there. She remembered our meeting and explained to her colleague about meeting me before,  what I had said to her about teaching/training adults and then told me how she had recently been promoted and was doing just that!  - teaching and training adults.  She was so surprised that I remembered her name  - thank you Holy Spirit for prompting me with that timely reminder!!! 

I explained to her colleagues – Ella and Norrie – how I love giving others a glimpse of God's  love for them through specific words of encouragement or through healing. I looked at Ella and as I began to speak to her I found myself giving her a word  about “family”.  That one part of her family is bonded close but the other part is distant and apart.  God wants to re-balance the scale so that the distant part comes back up again into closeness of releationship.  She nodded and immediately understood the significance of this and actually said – "I am going there on Friday – to my family!" (I think in Europe somewhere).. I continued saying "and you are going to be a reconciler in that situation, a peace keeper bringing the two sides together. And  I feel like that is in you in a general way, that is part of who you are, you are a peace-maker, a reconciler, a peacekeeper. She agreed that she had always been the peacekeeper with others and was so grateful with what I shared that she hugged me!

I then asked her about any physical stuff affecting her and she said that she had a lot of pain and stiffness across her back and neck with headaches.  She knew it was tied in with the emotional stuff to do with her family .  I asked her which part was worst and it was her back. Pain/stiffness scale about 6/10  I think.  She was happy to let me pray and after just one brief prayer she was released of all the tension, was able to move freely and felt relaxed.  She hugged me again!  I wasn’t able to voice record her experience or  talk with Norrie as they had to rush back to the stand for work but it was so wonderful to see Jesus bring restoration to Ella  in her body, mind and spirit.  Praise Him!  He is so so good and kind! 

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