Gilly Royal

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A simple picture saves a job resignation

Mid August 2018    SLOUGH

I came across a foursome of young ladies in the High Street -  all raising awareness for special needs children.  It was a great opportunity to ask Holy Spirit about them and to release His encouragement to them one by one.

One was called “Annie”. I had the word “constant” – that she is constant in her friendships and relationships, not up one day and down the next but reliable and trustworthy towards those around her.  Because she is constantly herself, she is a great source of stability and strength to her friends and family. She recognised this as a true picture of what she is like.

Then there was “Tina” – “Infectious joy” – she’s like a wonderful virus of joy, so others catch joy from just being around her!  Also she’s like a vibrant tropical flower – Father knows the exact “climate”/conditions she needs to thrive and will show her where to be “planted” so she can bloom at her best and not wilt in unsuitable environments.  Just as I finished speaking, this really dodgy looking guy came up to her and tried to get her to come and work in his hotel up the road! She politely but firmly turned this offer down!  It was like an instant illustration of Father showing that He will give her clear insight and ways to avoid bad environments.

“Dee” was there too –her word was about her being very “generous of heart”.  Also a picture of the Heavenly Father holding a dustpan brush and sweeping gently into the nooks and crannies of her life. He will brush out things which are cobwebby and gritty and sticky (stuff from past and harmful mindsets) ….she was intrigued and received this word gratefully

Later on when I passed by the group again, Dee came up to me and asked me if I would pray for her (she’s not a Christian, possibly Muslim or Hindu) ) and confided in me about a life situation she was in and wanted to know whether “Jesus or the Father had  anything to say about that?!'  It was really great to pray with her there in the street and just speak the words that came to me at the time.  She hugged me afterwards and was touched by what had happened for her that day.

I also met “Maya” – I almost didn’t give her the word I had as it felt it was quite a “lame” word at the time. Anyway I did and I’m glad!  The word was about seeing her going up a ladder (UP not down) and that God was giving her progress and promotion.  She seemed very happy to hear this and I left her to get back to her work……some time later I came past that group again and “Maya” came up to me and asked if I would pray for her!!  

When I asked what she would like prayer for she said “Health” – for her mind health as her head felt overloaded with stuff and she didn’t know how to get it quiet.  It was a real privilege to pray for her as I felt HS give me the words to pray.  At the end, she said I reminded her of her Mum who is a believer (though she didn’t say she believed herself)  Then she told me that before I came along that day she had been about to tell her Manager that she was going to give up this job as she didn’t think she was any good at meeting the public. But when I gave her the image of her going up the ladder, she felt really encouraged and in the time between our first and second meeting she had talked with EIGHT new members of the public!  It was so wonderful to hear how someone took a prophetic word given by Jesus, stood on it (!) and saw it come to pass in such a short time.  

Go Jesus!!!  – pursue these beautiful daughters from different nations and cultures and draw them each one into your Kingdom Family!  

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