Gilly Royal

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Chocolate really is from Heaven!!

Mid November  Uxbridge 2019

As I sat with Jesus this morning, I felt a mixture of frustration and longing – I want to be so soaked in His Spirit that people don’t get me when I encounter them – they get HIM!  I’d recently read of a well-known evangelist who had some powerful God encounters where prophets/ministers had singled him out, prophesied over him and prayed for him.  BAM!! Afterwards he saw a much greater impact when he ministered Jesus to others.  Well, here I was – nowhere near a conference or being singled out by a prophet BUT I declared that the same Spirit who impacted that man was with me now, as I sat on my bedroom floor.  So I just welcomed Him to have it all, do it all, fill me full!  It was a precious time in His Presence. Many preoccupying things faded out of my mind and my whole body felt absorbed into His pulsating Life as I yielded to His glorious Holy Spirit!  

Soon afterwards, I “saw” in my mind’s eye the face of a young lady I had said hello to in passing some days earlier at a stand in the shopping centre.  I asked Jesus what He wanted me to know about her, so I could share it with her later.  An image immediately came to my mind – a bar of Toblerone chocolate!  And with it the words from an advert “Toblerone – out on its own”!  I asked for further explanation and, armed with what I felt Holy Spirit told me, I went into town to get a Toblerone to give to this young lady and to release the special words from Jesus to her.  I hoped she was working there today!  

On my way to her stand, I passed a young man at another stand who was promoting things for pets.  We laughed that I wasn’t exactly his ideal customer as we don’t currently have pets, but he told me a bit about himself and his name – “Isaac”.  He is from a Jewish family but had “rebelled” from practicing.  After some more chat around that, I asked if he had any physical issues going on at all.  He didn’t but was quizzical as to my question and I explained about praying for people in pain.  He then said he was currently experiencing anxiety issues and mentioned a particular situation connected to that.  He happily accepted my offer to pray – yes, in Jesus’ name!  After thanking Father for Isaac and praying briefly for him, he said he felt different - really calm and settled in himself.  I could see a visible change in his face.  He gave me a hug and thanked me and off I went to find my “Toblerone lady”, releasing a blessing over Isaac’s stand to prosper as I walked away.

“Toblerone lady” was indeed working today but before I met with her, another young lady was there who wanted to chat about their stand.  I felt sure this girl “Tammy”” was a believer and she is!  While she was talking, I heard the words “responsible sister” and asked if she had siblings.  She is the only girl between two brothers.  It was really interesting that at exactly the same time I said the words “responsible sister” to her she came right out and said “responsible” along with me as if she already knew what I was about to say!  We hadn’t talked about her role in the family at all, just that she had two brothers.  Then she told me something about her elder brother that had caused her to have to step up into the role of the eldest sibling and take care of both her brothers.   I felt that Holy Spirit wanted to assure her that He would help create a healthy release for the “crazy, fun, wild” part of Tammy to be expressed, so it wouldn’t be stifled through her family responsibilities.  

I also got to pray there and then for a health issue that Tammy deals with – a type of tinnitus that affects her, especially at night.  I really hope she messages me to let me know how she is after a few nights’ testing out!  An unexpected and precious brief encounter.   

“Toblerone Lady” was happy to come aside and let me explain about the Toblerone and the special message I felt Jesus had given me through that.  After hearing it, she said she was tingling all over her body and could hardly believe what I had I shared with her.  They were about being a “pioneer” – someone who strikes out “on their own” so that others can come through later and benefit from her adventuring and conquering of new things.  It was about scaling mountains and exploring and tenacity but maintaining sweetness and kindness throughout.  She exclaimed “That is exactly me!  And I just LOVE Toblerone.  It is my all-time favourite chocolate.  I was just telling my colleagues earlier today what a sweet tooth I have!  She had even been thinking of buying herself a Toblerone advent calendar – that’s how much she loves it!  She was bowled over by the timing of this message too, as she has just recently been promoted to a managerial role and she is now needing to lead from the front and go “out on her own” in a different relationship to her team than before.  And – she loves mountains, travelliing and adventure!

It was very easy to explain about the intimate, thorough knowledge and love of God for her that would send a random person like me to tell her these things today.  I told her that I truly don’t know where I would be without Jesus and she exclaimed “I have a friend who says just the same thing!  She’s a Christian too – you remind me a lot of her.  You have the same vibe as she does.” “Yes” I replied – that vibe is Jesus.!!”  When I said to her “How is your physical health?” she sprang back, mouth open in shock – “What??!!  How do you know?  I was just telling my colleague about my back and how awful it is.  Are you psychic or something?” More explanation about the power of Jesus!  And of course – time to pray!  Her pain level was 4-5/10 at the time.  She had been suffering with it for about a year.  There were herniated discs and sciatic stuff connected to all that and it had recently flared up again.  

We went aside to a quieter place and after two prayers, she could not find the pain anymore . At all.  Yay God!!  I could see that she was quite nonplussed and a little hesitant in case it comes back but I told her not to be afraid and to enjoy her healing.  I didn’t feel it was the right time to ask for an audio interview.  She has my card and I hope to hear from her or see her to check on things.   I needed to do some shopping, so stopped by about an hour later and she said her back was still all good and she hadn’t even thought about it at all!  She even invited me to say a prayer for all her team – which I was happy to do there and then.  It felt like a touch of Heaven in the middle of the shopping centre.  

Before I went home, my path took me by the previous stand where I had met Isaac. He gave me a cheery smile and said he was still feeling “lifted” and much more positive after the prayer.  Also, he had secured two sign-up sales in quick succession after I left, having not had any at all before then!  So cool that he remembered I had blessed his stand to prosper and that it had!  More opportunity to make your name famous, Jesus.  Especially to one of your beautiful Jewish children.  

Over to you Holy Spirit with each one of these treasures – may they become truly and fully found in You, Jesus!.  

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