Gilly Royal

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Heavenly Hula Hoop Part 2

Another day that week in Uxbridge I had bought a second hula hoop (!) for coaching and came across a tall young guy from a West Indian background called Nesta. He was a “gentle giant” .  I felt that I heard the phrase “practice makes perfect” for him and explained where that came from!  It turned out he was a Christian who had been through some tough stuff but was reconnecting with God.  He has a real vision for reaching and promoting others through music which is the scene he most loves to be in.  His music is where “practice” is required and he is very much on that journey.  I took time to listen to his vision and encouraged him that God had put that vision in his heart and how his vision if full of God’s generous giving.  He said no one had ever really encouraged him in his dream like I had today - what an honour to do that!

I felt prompted to ask him if he had physical pain in his back.  He certainly did (level 7/10 pain) at the top of his back/shoulder and here is a little clip of what happened after very brief prayer. 

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Nesta's story

Finally ….i was just about to take the escalator to the car park when a young lady (also Eastern European) selling bedding at a stand asked me if I know about their products….I joked that I’d like to lie down and take a little nap on some!  She asked me about the hula hoop I was carrying and was I a dancer or something??. I explained about how I use it in coaching ( on the floor, not round my body!) and demonstrated it right there – she got the concept straight away. Her name is “Hannah”   

She wanted to know if I was into yoga (?!) and i explained how I am into Jesus and am a kind of pastor…”Ohh….like Joel Osteen or Joyce Meyer?!”  Random!! She is a believer, in a confused kind of way, but said she had really benefitted from their teaching in the past and wanted to know where she could come and hear me talk!!  

We had such a cool chat together during which Holy Spriit gave me a couple of downloads about “Hannah” and what had been going on in her heart recently.  She started crying but was really grateful at the same time. She was receiving the love of her Heavenly Father for her once more, after being away from Him for a while.  

She didn’t have any physical pain herself but her mother has bad back pain and she really wanted some prayer for that to change.  Instead, I told her about how Nesta just got healed a few moments earlier and coached her how to place her hands on her Mum’s back and command healing there in the name of Jesus.  She was really excited to hear about the authority that we have as believers and the prospect of praying  for her Mum.  “This is the best thing by far in this whole day” she exclaimed!   I left her my contact details saying how I would love to hear about her Mum.  

May they both experience your glory in amazing ways and come in to a whole new level of faith in your goodness, Abba.  May this encounter have ripple effects that span out into eternity!!  Yayyyyy Jesus !!!

UPDATE:!! I bumped into “Hannah again this week. She had gone home after our meeting and prayed for her Mum who is now doing much better, has got a new job that she loves and seems like a whole new person! Yess!!!


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