Gilly Royal

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"Oh! It's getting hot in here"!

Two treasures, two locations, two days February 2019

In Uxbridge during half-term week I saw a group of guys promoting some business in the high street.  They seemed like they were pushing business hard and didn’t have time to stop and chat.  I felt I had a very simple word for one of them.  Two words to be precise!  They were “stay put”.  I managed to engage him in conversation and when he told me his name was David I said “Oh, wow that’s such a great name.  It means Beloved”.  “Really?” he asked, surprised.  He’d obviously never thought about his name having a meaning.  I went on to say that names are important and that he can be confident he is greatly loved by God who created him and gave him that name. He is someone who has real “lovability”, attracting the love of others into his own life.  He really liked hearing that.  By now I had told him that I was a kind of street pastor just blessing and encouraging people outside in the town.  I also told him the word about “staying put” and not giving way to wavering doubts that might push him towards moving on too soon.   He explained this was his first day on the job and he felt nervous and really out of his depth so the encouragement to keep going with it was very timely and encouraging. Short and sweet but meaningful in several different ways!

Another day that same week I was in Slough for a quick visit.  There was a young Asian guy who approached me to talk about an internet company and we had a chat about broadband speeds!  His name is “Manny”  I said I had a question for him that was a bit random and nothing to do with broadband… he was up for hearing it so I asked if he had any pain in his body as I pray regularly for people in Jesus name and see Him take their pain away   “Really?!”  he exclaimed. He went on to say that he has an issue with joint pain over most of his body,  the worst area is his knees which also “click” and “pop”. .  I think when I had him scale it that moment it wasn’t too bad –only about 3/10.  It usually gets worse with continuous activity. I said I would just point at his knees and pray really briefly which I did.  He said he felt some mild improvement after that first prayer. I then placed my hand on his knee caps and commanded new caps and all pain to leave. When I took away my hand and asked him what was happening he said – It’s warm in there!  Then he said “It’s really warm!”  “That is the presence of Jesus and His healing power”, I assured him.  “You won’t have that problem any more now”.  He was bemused by all this and was saying “That’s actually pretty cool”  He checked himself out a bit and felt fine but will know for sure after repeated activity.  I left him my card and then blessed his whole body to be well and pain free and went on my way.  He was up from London and in Slough just for that one day. 

Yayyy God!!  Protect these potent seeds of your Life planted today and bring them to full fruitf for the Glory of Jesus !! 

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