Gilly Royal

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Hanging in suspense!

Slough, First week March, 2019 

Just in town for a short while today.  There was a stand where two guys were working – Harry and Mike.  They were just there for a few days. After some chat I discovered that Harry knew another young guy I had recently given prophetic words to ( though I didn’t tell him about that part!)  I explained about being in town to pray for people and asked if they had any pain or medical issue. but both were well and pain free today.

I felt that I had something to share with Harry.  It was in picture form, seeing him suspended in the air by a metal hook!  The gist of it was that he is in a time of life where it doesn’t feel like he is settled and sure with his feet on the ground.  It feels as if life is suspended and uncertain. There were some other things around that too.  The encouragement from the Heavenly Father was that the hook holding him is strong and will not give way.  He can “settle down” into this phase which will not last but has valuable things for him while he is in it.  Because he is suspended, he is at a higher vantage point – he can see things more clearly and from a different perspective than from ground level.  He’s going to notice things about himself, about others and about life from this suspended vantage point which will be useful to him later.  Strangely, he seemed to understand this perfectly and said it was actually really accurate for what’s going on in his life right now!  

I also told him that I felt he has a gift of “quiet leadership”.  He’s not" “rah-rah” and “out-there” like some leaders, who are louder and more outwardly confident.  He doesn’t have to feel threatened by those kind of leaders or try to be like them because he has quiet leadership – he just needs to lead in line with who he is, others will look to him and follow, appreciating his influence because it is quietly given.  He smiled when I told him this and said he does see that about himself, it’s a true picture of him.

After this it was easy to tell him about the Jesus in me who knows and loves him in every detail.  Harry has no “grid for God” so was intrigued by what I was telling him.  I gave him a very brief version of my testimony and encouraged him to call on Jesus to reveal more of Himself.  He thanked me for what I shared and I could see he was thinking things over as I left their stand.  

Holy Spirit, that tiny seed of powerful Life has been planted.  Please protect and nourish that seed in Harry’s life so that his harvest time will come with great joy.

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