Gilly Royal

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Blackpool Illuminations Jesus Style!

Slough,  End March 2019 


I was feeling excited to be back in the city after a couple of weeks away for various things.  It was a fine, sunny Spring morning and the town had almost a holiday feel with people out enjoying the sunshine while buskers played live music.

I came across two gents out on the High Street. They were down from Blackpool just for a couple of days and were doing some charity work  The main one I spoke with was Kieran. We talked about the organisation he works for, then I just felt I should ask him if he was having back pain.  He was surprised at my question and immediately called over to his friend “Rick” saying “Hey, this lady here just asked me about my back! Isn’t it true that I was just telling you how I fell over earlier this morning and really hurt my back?!”  Rick came over and confirmed how his friend had been in pain right down from his middle to lower spine. (he used more salty language than that but I got the drift!) I explained how I had the impression about his back pain through Jesus and how I often pray for people with pain and see Him take it away, there and then..  Kieran was happy for me to pray for him – his friend said he was a Catholic and had heard about healing.   

Kieran scaled his pain level at 6/10 when he bent over.  I prayed for him twice and here is an audio clip of his experience before and after the prayer  They were both really down-to-earth guys and I knew they were being “real” with me. It was cool that both of them got blessed, even though just one was being prayed for.  I got to explain how experiencing the goodness of God is a signpost for people to know that He is real and has real power to change lives.  Yayyy God!  

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Kieran's story

 I also got to encounter two more treasures, both in their early twenties – “Lara” and “Freddie”.  They work for an energy business.  I had a friendly chat with Lara initially about their products but didn’t get any prophetic input to share with her just then.  It was a little later as I sat on a sunny bench that I felt that Holy Spirit gave me something to share with them both.  I went back and talked with Lara first.  The word was about her losing some money and how the Heavenly Father wanted her to know that she would see that money come back to her in significantly larger amount than she had before.  

She started weeping as she explained to me about a family situation where she had lost personal money.  It felt very tender but she was being touched by the love of the Heavenly Father who had downloaded her situation to this stranger in front of her. I spoke with her about the Father’s intimate knowledge of her and a little of my own story about finding His love when I was in a dark place. I was able to pray for her anxiety and weight loss connected to the stress of her situation.  We swapped contact details and I hope to be in touch with her soon.  Such a precious, beautiful girl encountered by a Father who knows and cares for her deepest needs.

Her colleague “Freddie” was more casual and breezy when I went across and spoke with him.  He listened though as I shared a word from a “Jungle Book” song about reaching the top and having to stop and that’s what was bothering him!!  It was to do with frustration and restriction in his life goals and he totally got what I was saying.  There was also encouragement for him to have much bigger vision for his future than he had previously had.  But the only way he is going to achieve that vision in a healthy way that blesses him and others around him is to partner with God for it.  He was nodding and repeating back what I said like he really wanted to understand it and I do think he got it!  He smiled and thanked me for sharing what I had and I blessed him as I walked away.

The other people I got to chat with were a group of young adults selling flowers. They were really friendly and told me they were gypsies.  The main guy was chuffed that I was taking an interest in his baby and showed me some cute pictures of the little one on his phone.   I explained why I was in town and about praying for people (after buying some lovely hyacinths from them) I offered to pray for any pain or illness they might have but they were all healthy and fine that day.  The young man told me that his parents were Pentecostal believers and he used to be too but he wasn’t following in that now. 

 I just trust that as I spoke about the goodness of God and how He wants people to have a demonstration of that goodness, not a religious sermon or a rant, that these young folk somehow connected or re-connected with that wonderful goodness for themselves.  How you love them, Father! Over to you, Holy Spirit !  UNLOCK!!

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