Gilly Royal

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"I feel like a wind was rushing through me!"

23rd May 2019 

A beautiful sunny warm lunchtime.  Town was nicely busy and it was fun sitting on the benches outside just people-watching. A lady dressed rather unusually in a bikini top and short tartan kilt sat beside me.  She had seen a lot of life. Some of it was recorded in tattoos over her body. Once we got talking, she told me she had 23 tattoos and explained some of the most significant ones to me. I didn’t feel it was appropriate to offer to pray for her as she was a vulnerable soul but I blessed her as she went on her way and feel glad to have met her and encouraged her, even in a small way.  

I came across my Russian friend “Derek” (“Russians-are-tough” Derek!) from the last post.  He had two different colleagues with him this time. I checked with Derek how his neck and shoulders were after the healing he received last time….everything was good, he was happy to report!   His colleague nearby, Kayab, overheard this and wanted to know what I was talking about . Having explained about praying for Derek to be healed I could tell this young man was both curious and fascinated and he started asking me more questions.  He had never heard anything like this before!! Kayab actually had a lot of stiffness and tension in his own back and readily welcomed my offer to pray for him.  Here is a short recording of what happened for him as a result of the prayer.  

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Kayab's story

The third colleague, “Simon” was watching the whole thing intently.  As I was explaining to Kayab about who Jesus is and how He loves and heals people giving us fullness of Life if we let Him, Derek asked me if Jesus could help Him with a certain different area of his life? More opportunity to talk about the goodness and authority of King Jesus!  And to pray for Derek again.  He was really happy and said he felt “abundant” afterwards!!  

Now it was “Simon’s turn” – he didn’t seem to have anything specific going on although he said he wanted to feel what Kayab had felt after I prayed for him!  And something of what Derek had requested also resonated with him for his own life.   I prayed for him and Holy Spirit gave me some specific downloads about Simon and some areas needing breakthrough in his life.  He agreed afterwards that these things were true of him and I could see he was trying to process everything he had seen and experienced!  I also prayed some deliverance prayer over Kayub concerning a certain area of restriction in his life which he asked to be freed from.  It was a glorious privilege.  I entreated each of these precious three guys to call upon Jesus for themselves, to ask him to show them who He is and to be confident that He would answer any sincere invitation in the most indescribable way.   

I was also able to talk about Jesus with a man called “Pete” who had come from a difficult past and was well acquainted with dark places.  He was quite jokey with me but I could sense the loneliness and regret in his heart.  The banter was just a cover to not let people get close to him.  Holy Spirit bring those few words I was able to share with Pete persistently back to his memory in a way that he cannot ignore and that leads him to receive his true Saviour.  

Finally, there was a young lady called “Laura” at a certain stand in the centre.  I just felt that God is giving her a “musical feast” because of the way she loves music!  Music to her is more than just enjoyment, it is a way that she processes life and makes sense of things.  She loves a whole range of different music – not just one “dish on the table”!  I explained this to her and she totally got it!  I blessed her to be led by Jesus to music that would only be life-giving for her and she thanked me for that.  It was a short, sweet encounter – over to you Holy Spirit. 

Oh, I almost forgot …I did have a conversation about the healing power and authority of Jesus with two Muslim shop assistants in a store.  One of them recognised me from many months before as I had prayed for some people in the store as she watched.  She had obviously relayed these events to her new colleague as this lady exclaimed “Oh YOU”RE the lady they told me about – the spiritual lady!”  I explained about praying in Jesus’ name because I am a believer who has Jesus on the inside of me.  The “new” assistant asked me some more questions about it.  Neither of them had pain or issues of their own at that moment but I wonder if that conversation today will lead to a further encounter down the road???!!!  

Lunch breaks with the Holy Spirit are so joyous, energising and refreshing !  What a privilege.  

PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)