Gilly Royal

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From "difficult" to "delighted" in two short prayers!

Wednesday lunchtime, Slough, August 2019

Today was an “all seasons” kind of day – gusty and cool one minute, calm, warm and sunny the next.   Nevertheless it was quite busy out in the High Street with the school holidays in full swing. 

Before coming into town today, I spent time with Holy Spirit and the only thing I felt highlighted to me was ‘knees”.  So off I went to see what I would find in the knee department!

I spoke with a few different people selling or promoting things in the street – none of them had physical issues but I did get to share a word of encouragement around identity to a young lady “Charli”.  She was rather bemused by it but seemed appreciative.  

At another spot, there was a group of youngish sales people gathered around a central kiosk. One of them was a young Muslim guy “Abdul” who didn’t have any pain or physical issues himself but was really interested in what I told him about praying for people in Jesus’ Name and seeing lots of healings.  He asked me questions about it and said he had never heard anything like this before! It was a great opportunity to speak to him about the goodness of God and the power of Jesus for those who believe. I also had a prophetic download for him about the current life season he is in and what his heart feels about it and he really resonated with it and thanked me.

Another one of his colleagues “Lana” was standing nearby and I had a brief chat with her and asked if she had any physical issues.  She was fine but then said – “Oh I think you should ask “Kumar” – her Manager. I think he might have some physical pain.”  Kumar came over, with his colleague Shanaur.   Lana explained how I pray for people with pain, they both joked that they had pain in their hearts!  But then it emerged that both of them had KNEE ISSUES!  Kumar had a level 4/10 pain in his right knee.  As he was the Manager I thought it best to start with him!  After brief prayer, his knee pain went down to a 1.  He said he could feel something happening inside his knee but couldn’t explain how it felt.  Then on checking it out further, there was no pain left at all!  He needed to dash off to answer a work call so then it was Shanaur’s turn. 

Shanaur had quite high level pain in both his kneecaps.  When he flexed his knees the pain was about 7-8 out of 10.  He explained the various medical routes he had tried over a long time to get relief but nothing had worked.  He was happy to let me pray for him – I was thankful they had a canopy as it started pouring with rain just as I began praying!  After being prayed for briefly twice, Shanaur was astounded and delighted that he had no more pain and could squat up and down to his heart’s content!  He then told me that he is a Muslim and is normally “very difficult” towards anyone trying to persuade him of miracles or things that cannot be explained.  But he couldn’t deny what had happened to him today!  He was really overwhelmed by it and kept flexing his knees.  Here is a little clip of his story – hopefully the main gist of the event comes through. What Shanaur doesn’t say is that during prayer he felt as if his kneecaps went really cold – like ice packs were in there!  Heavenly cryotherapy - or maybe anaesthetic!!? 

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Shanaur's story

This beautiful event provided an easy opportunity to talk more with Shanaur about the goodness of God and how, as a Muslim, he is encouraged in the Koran to read the “Injil” – the Gospel – which reveals Jesus healing the sick through the power of His Heavenly Father.  He said “I think I might need to convert to being a Christian now!” and although I think he was half joking, I say my Amen! to the prophecy he released over his own life!   I encouraged him to go to a quiet place and invite Jesus to come and reveal Himself to him, just as He had to me many years ago.

Shanaur also told me that he has some digestive issues and was surprised again when I said that Jesus can take care of all that.  I prayed briefly over this area of his body and afterwards he said that his stomach no longer felt hard or swollen but was just like normal, totally fine!  The test will be when he tries to eat hot, spicy food. 

Shanaur has my contact card and said he is keen to let many friends know what happened to him today.  What is also great is that “Abdul” and “Lana” will have his testimony alive and real in front of them over the next days.  And Kumar too with his own healing.  That whole team of four and those they love are yours, Jesus!  Draw them ever closer to you until they cannot resist your Love a second longer. Glory Glory Glory to your beautiful healing Name!

PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)