Gilly Royal

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Learning to follow God's traffic lights

Slough  Thursday Lunchtime  September

Town was quiet today – despite the glorious Indian Summer weather!  It was great sitting out in the sunshine though, watching people passing and just chatting to Jesus.  

There were a couple of Phillipino gents approaching people to talk with them about Mormonism.  One of them stopped me and we had a chat about some things – I kept bringing it back to Jesus and His healing, saving love and eventually he asked me to tell him some healing stories from the people I had encountered.  I know there was an underlying persistent agenda to get me to see certain scriptures in the way that Mormon believers use them but, sensing God’s amber warning light, I didn’t entangle with that . I did offer to pray for any physical pain he might have, but he was either fine or didn’t want prayer as he politely declined.  It was time to finish this encounter and we parted ways amicably.  He was grateful that I had stopped to listen and had not treated him judgmentally - which he divulged had happened before.  He and his brother are precious souls and I pray, Holy Spirit, that you reveal yourself to them unmistakably as the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I had an interesting experience at one of the stalls on the street.  A chap who was in charge of the stand “stood out” to me and I asked Holy Spirit about him.  I sensed I heard something to do with fear concerning memory loss/dementia and that Holy Spirit wanted to bring him comfort and reassurance.  When I got to the stand and started to chat to him, however, I had no “green light” opening to share that message with him.  It would have been very forced if I had tried.  I don’t think it was me chickening out, I think Holy Spirit was alerting me to it not being the right time.  I will tuck it away and watch for another opportunity to share that download at a future point.  It’s always learning time in His School of the Supernatural!  

Inside one of the shopping centres, a couple of young adults were promoting something at a stand.  It turned out that they were colleagues of someone I had prayed for healing before – Daria with the sore/happy feet!  I was able to share that testimony with the girl – “Sara” and she was pretty surprised about that!  She said she had pain in her own back from a bad night’s sleep and it was bothering her still at that moment.  It was about 4/10 on the pain scale.  The green light was definitely on here for me to pray for this young lady!. Here is a short clip of Sara telling her experience of healing:

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Sara's story

I also asked her colleague “Travis” if he had any pain he would like prayer for.  He had been listening intently to what had just happened with Sara and said that he does believe in supernatural happenings though doesn’t quite know the Being behind them!  He didn’t have any physical pain but was troubled by another kind of pain.  He took me aside and there followed quite a lengthy conversation about a recent family tragedy plus a history of family separation but also how God has been showing up all over the place randomly through a few different people - including me today!  Even yesterday a believer had come straight up to him and told him that his joy would be returning, knowing nothing of his recent situation.  

It was so obvious that Jesus is all over this family in a healing, saving way, right in the middle of their current pain and sadness.  Travis knew that Jesus was knocking at his door and that it is time now to answer the door – no more using questions and uncertainties to keep Jesus at bay.  I offered to help him pray that into reality right now but he wasn’t quite ready to pray today.  He is at the threshold of your Kingdom, Jesus.  Protect and hold him safe and deepen further still his hunger to yield his life to you, the King of Love. Thank you for your relentless pursuit of your lost ones. You truly are an amazing Saviour.  

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