Gilly Royal

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God speaks supernaturally through a children's board game

I’ve needed to focus my time and energies into a new Jesus adventure recently, so haven’t been out and about in the market-place so much this month.  But even from my favourite “prayer chair” at home, Jesus has shown me again how a timely download through listening to Him can really strengthen someone in need of His help.  

The particular occasion I have in mind was a week or so ago.  I had been praying and spending time alone with Jesus in my favourite chair.  I was about to get up when a certain lady from another town suddenly came to mind. I hadn’t seen her for many months but her last message to me had indicated she had some potential life changes up ahead, though didn’t say what.  I felt drawn to ask Holy Spirit to reveal something to me that could encourage this lady.  I strongly felt in that moment that she was in need of encouragement

As I waited, I saw an image of a childrens’ game.  It was not one I had played or was familiar with.  It had a plastic blue frame with holes at regular intervals.  Red and yellow plastic discs were dropped into the holes in lines to form rows. Doing a little phone research, I discovered this game is called “Connect 4”.    The first person to drop four consecutive discs of their colour in an uninterrupted row, wins against the opponent.   As I asked Holy Spirit for more, I felt Him say that this lady on my mind was facing four different aspects/situations.  They were separate and independent, but all connected.  God was assuring her that He would connect things together concerning these four things that would cause her to win against every opponent.  He would cause things to “drop” and “slot into place” – she would see how He can make things connect in a timely way that brings victory.

I felt it was the right time to send the message straight away.  

Almost immediately I had a reply from this lady.  She was bowled over by the goodness of God in that message and its timing.. Without spelling out her situation, she told me how just a few moments before my message arrived, someone had dealt herself and her husband a devastating personal blow on a visit to their house which would unexpectedly impact their future direction..  They were both reeling from this and very upset.  The Connect 4 message brought immediate consolation and hope – particularly as it turns out it was her husband’s favourite childhood game!!  It also linked to other words they had been given previously connected to games, where they came out as winners in multiple ways.

How kind and good our Father is!  He knows when we need encouragement.  He prompts people even miles away to “hear” that need and pray on someone else’s behalf.  He highlights things that are very personal to our experience – even a favourite childhood game from long ago – to assure us He is intimately involved, closely caring and eager to bring hope and breakthrough for the future.  All I needed to do was wait and listen a little longer in my favourite chair.  Then write a little message, get the green light from Holy Spirit, and press SEND!