If you are in physical pain and would like healing, I am in the UK and would love to pray for you over WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom or phone (UK only for phone) Contact me via my email address:
These are certainly unusual and unprecedented times!
Normal ways of operating are having to adapt and change – including market place ministry! Obviously it is not possible to offer prayer in a physical way in physical places now that the Covid 19 outbreak is widespread and we are in lockdown.. But I have seen Holy Spirit open up wonderful opportunities to minister to different people through phone tech and online platforms. He’s the most adaptable Person ever!
Three of these opportunities have been healing based. The other is helping someone on a seeking-Jesus journey.
The first healing concerns a lady I have never met or seen! I will call her Nina. She is a contact of a friend of mine who met and befriended her through a study course. This intelligent lady from an Asian background had some earlier Christian upbringing but went on to embrace Islam for a number of years. In more recent days, she has come back to faith in Jesus but has been sorely tested ever since. One issue assailing Nina has been excruciating back pain from a slipped disc, sometimes shooting into her hip (sciatic pain) This was the reason for our phone call together – we were very eager to see Jesus bring healing to this poor lady, hence our offer to pray for her, which she gladly accepted.
My friend was present with Nina during our phone-healing call. She laid hands on Nina’s back area while I prayed and commanded healing through the speaker phone. Nina scaled her pain at 8/10 at the start of our call. During the first prayer, Nina felt tingling in her head area (I had prayed that her skeleton would be realigned from the top of her head to the soles of her feet!) When she checked herself out after the prayer, her pain level had dropped to about 3! Exciting as this was, I knew that Nina could have 100% restoration and we needed to press on for this. I commanded the 3 to leave and afterwards she said all the pain had gone and there was just a little stiffness left . This time I addressed stiffness and told it to leave. Nina was almost totally free of discomfort in her back – just a tiny bit left. She hadn’t been free of pain for three weeks - no doctors, medicines or treatments had managed to alleviate her pain. She was so happy! My friend witnessed Nina’s whole demeanour change as this healing took place!
There was still some pain in her leg/hip through the sciatic nerve. We focused our prayer on this and Nina felt the pain dwindle to a kind of stiffness. Though she didn’t have total alleviation of this while on the phone, over the next couple of days her back healing held strong, all pain was completely gone and her leg stiffness has improved each day! Jesus has also done several other miracles in this lady’s life – some financial, some logistical - clearing previous obstacles out of the way supernaturally. What an amazing God He is, no obstacle too great for Him to eliminate!
Strangely enough, a second opportunity to pray for high level back pain over the phone came just a day later! A dear friend of mine had been helping at a community initiative and had “cricked” her back, sending it into painful spasm. When I called her, her pain level was 7/10. Following commanding prayer a few times (no one was there to lay hands this time) the level slowly shifted to about 3/10. There wasn’t total release during our phone-prayer but my friend had a really good night’s sleep with no discomfort or pain on turning, which would normally be the case. The following morning her back was no longer painful, just stiff – discomfort level of about 2/10. The day after that, my friend was able to go back to the gym!
Yay God!
About a week later, this same dear friend messaged to say she had tinnitus in her left ear and a feeling of blockage - 10/10! This time I didn’t call on the phone but released a simple commanding prayer for healing over WhatsApp. My friend messaged back soon saying that she had said “Amen and Thank You” to the prayer and her ear issue went down immediately to 5/10! This has continued to reduce over the last few days and her last report was that the blocked feeling had completely gone and the tinnitus was only slight. We have been believing together for full release – 100%!!
The other digital” contact I have seen Holy Spirit create is with my lovely contact in Albania. I have had exciting opportunities via our WhatsApp chat to point her to online materials (particularly YouTube)in her own language to help her on her Jesus seeking journey – there is currently no access to physical churches, shops or delivery services in her city.
If you are a believer in Jesus, I hope these testimonies encourage you to see what you can do in simple ways via the tech at your fingertips. You don’t have to pray complicated prayers or be a professional priest or church worker. None of those apply to me! Simply release the power of the Name of Jesus and tell pain and sickness to leave! Command them to obey - don’t just politely ask ! Pain, sickness and disease must obey the matchless Name of Jesus!
If you are in physical pain and would like healing, I am in the UK and would love to pray for you in person over WhatsApp, Zoom or Skype or phone (UK only for phone) Contact me via my email address:
Every blessing, Gilly