Gilly Royal

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Hybrid Healing ...100% Jesus!!

A message came through from a friend concerning someone suffering with bad back pain who might appreciate prayer for healing.  This friend in need had injured her back in her youth, badly impacting several discs.  A recent bout of activity had caused a flare up of the problem and she was now in a lot of pain – very restricted in her mobility.

I managed to contact this lady and she was very happy to be prayed for.  We arranged a time when her husband could be present to lay hands on the affected area while I commanded healing over speaker-phone.

The pain scale of this lady was 7/10 when she tried to raise herself up from the lying down position.  She lay as comfortably as possible on the bed and I encouraged her to relax and not pray.  Her husband laid hands on her back and I commanded healing a first time.  Following this, the pain had eased greatly – in fact when she began to raise up to check herself out there was barely any pain left now, it was more stiffness. She didn’t experience tangible sensation during the prayer, apart from some heat.  I prayed briefly twice more, specifically addressing stiffness and commanding everything to loosen and relax.  By the close of our prayer time – about fifteen minutes in all– this dear lady had 70% improvement from when we started and felt deeply relaxed!  Yay God!  But I knew that Jesus had paid for 100% healing for her, so I encouraged her to expect the 100% in the next day or so. 

She contacted me the next day to say that the 70% healing was holding strong!  A couple of days later, she had a chiropractor appointment and I felt that this was going to be part of the way she would receive the remaining 30% healing.  As well as being able to tell the chiropractor about her healing through Jesus (!) she came away from the session knowing that she hadn’t had to have anywhere like the same level of manipulation that she would normally need.  She knew that her back was different!  Also, she said that her healing level was now at 90%.  She was amazed and full of gratitude. Praise Jesus!  

But there’s still a remaining 10% of healing that belongs to her!!  And my confidence is that she will have this through the process of “recovery” that the Bible talks about “You shall lay hands on the sick and they will recover” (Mark 16 v 17)  It is a process, it takes some time, though often this is accelerated as we pray.

As I reflected on this healing, it felt like it was a “hybrid healing”!  70% virtually instant miracle….20% healing release through physical chiropractic and 10% “recovery” process.  All of it 100% Jesus!  I love instant miracle healings but I also love how Jesus does things differently, encouraging us to watch for those avenues of healing He provides.  Whether it’s “one-step” or hybrid three-step (or more!) – all healing through Jesus is glorious and shows us all over again what an amazing Saviour He is!! 

If you are in physical pain and would like healing, I am in the UK and would love to pray for you over WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom or phone (UK only for phone)  Takes moments, costs nothing and Jesus always does something wonderful!

Contact me via my email address: