Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

A sign and a wonder - the leaf that danced and didn't fall to the ground


My first video on this blog! As you can probably tell from the scenery in the short clip below, this story took place well into the Autumn. I was on my way back from a walk to our town , a familiar walk I must have done hundreds of times! Although almost December, it was a mild, still day, not a breath of wind. Starting up the hill path towards home, I saw something right in front of me that completely arrested my attention - a leaf, seemingly suspended in mid-air but without being attached to anything! It was about eye-level with me and I watched with delight, curiosity and bafflement as this leaf danced around in front of me, left to right, up and over, round and round, twirling and swinging but never falling to the ground! There was no breeze to make it move, there was nothing obvious connecting it somewhere else. I watched the dancing leaf for at least ten minutes and as I walked away afterwards and looked back , there it was, still dancing!!

What had I witnessed?! A leaf suspended by a gossamer thread so fine the naked eye couldn’t see it? Maybe. Unseen air currents causing the leaf to stir and “dance” ? Possibly - though not a single other leaf, twig or even blade of grass was stirring there that day. Was this some other unseen, unearthly agent, perhaps an angelic one, or the breath of Holy Spirit Himself, enjoying the opportunity of putting on a leaf ballet for someone passing by? Also very possible - and I’m so glad to have been the someone! Well, whatever the explanation, I will never know for sure! But one thing I do know, that dancing leaf made me stop in my tracks and wonder “Papa God, how did you do that?! How did you fashion something so exquisite seemingly out of thin air? And how did you arrange a private viewing for just one person passing by out of all the people on the planet that day?! It still makes me wonder today! And to have seen it feels exceedingly precious. A love note in a leaf!! I’m so happy to share it with you today.

I hope this little video story might awaken memories of when you have seen something unusual and special that Father God arranged as “private viewing”, just for you. A source of wonder that made you stop still for a moment or even exclaim out loud in amazement, even if no one else was there. Maybe you are going to see something simple but wondrous in the next few weeks! Would you let me know? I would love to hear about it.

Until then ….may your steps be light on the path you walk and .may we never lose the wonder!

What if someone doesn't "deserve" to be healed?

"Thin places" along everyday paths