Gilly Royal

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God speaks supernaturally through a favourite food!

As I rounded the corner of a busy shopping centre, a young lady at an information stand in the distance seemed to “stand out” to me.  It felt like Father wanted a divine appointment with her and my part was to ask Him to give me an insight into her life and to share it with her.  So, as I slowly started approaching her stand, I asked God for something He sees about her.  I felt I saw a very fleeting but clear image of …….a pretzel!!!  The continental dough type, with the distinct crossover plait design in the centre. 

It was obvious I needed more than just this random image!  This young lady might even have been offended if all I shared with her was that I saw a pretzel in connection with her -  No-one wants to be called round and doughy, after all!! As I walked along, the download I was getting seemed to be about her heritage being Eastern European (from a pretzel loving country!) and that God was bringing together threads of this heritage in a way that would make her feel truly known, connected and whole.

The initial conversation with her didn’t give me much to go on at all!  This young lady (Eva) had a strong American sounding accent (actually turns out she is Canadian).  When I asked her if she had a connection through her family heritage with a particular Eastern European country, she was curious!   I explained then about asking God to show me something of His heart for her and the picture of the pretzel.  “Oh, I love pretzels!” she exclaimed. “They are one of my favourite foods!”  She also explained that she does indeed have Eastern European heritage - from the country right next door to the one I had mentioned, and that this country loves and sells pretzels everywhere!  

So far so good!  But the best was yet to come, as I continued with what I felt Holy Spirit was giving me about the Father wanting to bring together threads of Eva’s heritage, weaving and plaiting them for her in a way that would help her feel belonging and connection, to understand better who she truly is because of where she comes from, answering questions about herself that she didn’t even know she has.  

This is when she really became animated as she explained that she is the one in her family who has been avidly researching their family tree, to discover their deep Eastern European roots. She had also been studying the art and poetry and culture of that country, loving its literature and language and feeling a sense of belonging there, though never having visited.  She even has a visit to that country arranged and tentatively in place post-Covid restrictions, to connect with whole branches of her family she has never yet met.  So many beautiful threads that God is bringing together!!

Wow, God – you really did have a plan for that random pretzel picture all along!!  

I don’t think Eva – or I - will ever see pretzels in quite the same way again!  And Eva, though not yet a believer, was certainly intrigued and moved that a total stranger had a God-message for her about something so personal that they could not possibly have known themselves.  

I’m just glad I didn’t dismiss the image that briefly “flitted across my grid”,  or put it down to late lunch hunger pangs!!  

Oh, bring that word to full fruition in Eva’s life, Father!   May all that You have spoken through it not return to you empty, but fully accomplish what you have sent it out to do in her life!  

And may all Glory go to you In the most salty, sweet way!  Hallelujah!