Gilly Royal

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Slipped disc, trapped nerve, severe pain - all healed in Jesus' Name!

I heard via some friends that a lady they know in another district was experiencing severe back pain from a slipped disc.  She had already been suffering for a few weeks and was extremely worn down by the pain and limitations.  Her local health service was unable to offer her any therapy or treatment owing to Covid related backlogs.

During my prayer time, this lady came to my mind – her name is “Dawn”.  I began to pray for her healing but felt increasingly that I needed to offer to pray for her more directly, stepping out in faith for her healing. You know that feeling?!  I found out Dawn’s email address, then sent her an email offering to come and pray for her at her home or over speaker-phone (with someone else at home laying hands on her back) or to pray via a photo of her back.  Dawn was delighted to have these offers of prayer and asked if I would come round in person later that day.  

As Dawn lives some distance away and this was a  case of praying in a private home (rather than a public street!), I asked a believing friend if they would be prepared to come and join me in the ministry time.  Thankfully they were available a little later and said yes!  My friend came after work.  We didn’t have time to worship, pray or prepare together first – it was all very “as you go” in the middle of normal, daily life.

It was clear to see from Dawn’s face and posture that she was in a lot of pain.  Once she was settled back in her seat, sitting to one side in the only position she could tolerate, we asked her a few general questions.  Not only had she had scans that confirmed a slipped disc in her lower spine, but she also had a trapped nerve which gave her acute sciatic pain down her left side and leg.   Her level of pain generally was 9/10.  Her left hip/upper leg was so painful that she couldn’t even bear to touch it.  Even sitting still her pain level was 7/10.  It was high time for Dawn to have a consultation with the Great Physician! 

There were several factors that stand out from that ministry time to Dawn.  

Firstly - There is no level of pain too severe for Jesus to handle!  Secondly – pain is an enemy that can and must be commanded (not politely asked) to leave through the highest authority possible – the Name of Jesus.  Pain must obey and surrender to that Name. We took authority in that Name over all the pain and accompanying symptoms in Dawn’s body.  We spoke liberty and release to the trapped nerve.  It was calm but firm, no messing about.  I lay hands and spoke while my friend carefully watched and prayed.  Dawn had felt really hot in one part of her back during the prayer.  We celebrated this sign of the healing presence of Jesus and asked Him to do even more!!  We had Dawn check out her body after the first prayer.  Already there was a change and she tested that by getting up from the seat.  She was moving more easily and the pain level had gone down 2 or 3 notches (Woo Hoo!!) But we were not going to settle for less than 100%!  

After the second prayer, the pain was different – more acute in some spots -  and had moved around.  Time to take authority over all infirmity, affliction and the spirit of pain (which seem to be behind the moving about of pain).  Dawn also agreed to speak out a prayer releasing herself from any self-blame for accidentally worsening her condition in any way..  A memory also came to mind for Dawn that was connected to a previous trauma, so we commanded all trauma, fresh or former, to leave for good and full restoration to come in its place.  My friend had an impression through Holy Spirit to do with “bruising” which Dawn confirmed was how she had felt on the inside of her body.  We dealt with this specifically, speaking the release of Heavenly Arnica over all Dawn’s tender frame.  Dawn then told us that she had felt heavy burdens literally lift off two places in her body during that prayer – she knew that something had left her.  My friend had also “seen” in the Spirit the trapped nerve being released during the prayer and blood freely flowing through it. Hallelujah!

After a final prayer, Dawn could now stand upright and her leg was not tender to the touch at all anymore!  She was walking much more easily and her whole countenance had changed!  She looked relaxed and at peace.  We prayed for all residue of pain to go and for healing sleep to continue and complete the healing process that night.  Dawn said that normally she would have been due to have strong pain medication an hour earlier but she had purposefully not taken it before we came, so she could know if the result of the healing prayer was genuine.  She was not in pain now and did not need the pain meds!  She even thought she would be able to make dinner that night for herself and her husband – something she would not have dreamed of doing even that morning!  

Dawn messaged the next day to say she felt so different, was able to move, sit and only felt some weakness and a slight discomfort but NO PAIN !!!   From 9/10 pain to slight discomfort !  Jesus you are phenomenal!  And that weakness/discomfort is on its way out too!  Strength will rise………

We give you all the praise and glory Jesus.  We wanted you to get your full reward from this time with Dawn – and you have!  Now Dawn is well and telling everyone she meets about your wonderful healing power and love!!!  YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!