Gilly Royal

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American Adventures Part 1: Miracles at the Mall !

A work trip called my husband to the East Coast, USA recently.  And I had the happy opportunity of going with him!

A couple of days into our stay, I needed a few items of shopping so took a taxi to a local shopping mall.  My driver was a Brazilian man called Leonardo.  At the end of the journey as I said goodbye, I called out the lion’s courage that is in Leonardo’s name, especially in relation to caring for his family and making wise, brave decisions to protect and provide for them.  This is the Heavenly Father’s gift to him in his earthly fathering.  He nodded enthusiastically at this and thanked me for this word which meant a lot to him.  Now it was time to “shop”!

Standing in line at the till with my items, I couldn’t help overhearing one of the assistants behind the till telling her colleague how much pain she was in and then watching her try to limp awkwardly towards the shop floor.  As she neared me, I asked her if she was okay, as she looked to be in a lot of pain.  I noticed her name badge said Marie.  Marie replied that she had fallen by accident onto both her knees the day before and could now barely move them.  I explained to Marie briefly that I regularly pray for people in pain and God takes their pain away.  Would she allow me the honour of praying for her knees?  She giggled nervously like she didn’t know what on earth was going on here (!)  but said ‘Okayyyyy, sure”.  “What is your pain level right now out of 10, Marie?”  “10 - and beyond!” she exclaimed.

Explaining that I would just pray briefly then would ask her to check things out, I placed my hands lightly over both her knees.   Thanking Jesus for Marie and His provision for her to be free of pain, I commanded all the trauma, pain, inflammation and swelling to leave immediately and for everything to reverse to how it was before the accident.  When Marie checked herself out, the pain had gone down to a 4 on standing.  Thank you Jesus! But He paid for 100%.....

After the second brief prayer, the pain on standing had all gone but the knees still hurt when raising them. The third short prayer took care of that and, eyes wide in amazement, Marie confirmed that her knees were now completely fine!  She walked around without any trace of a limp and could raise her legs freely, bent at the knee.  The whole thing had taken five minutes at the most.

“You’re amazing!! ” she exclaimed.  “Oh no no, JESUS is amazing!  I responded.  HE is the One who has healed you, Marie, not me.  I’m guessing that nothing like this has ever happened to you before?”  “No, never”!  “Well, know that this is the love of Jesus visiting you today to show you who He really is.  And now, go and walk strong because of Him”. 

Thanking me again, Marie walked normally onto the shop floor.  I popped back to the store at the end of my shopping visit and found Marie to check how she was doing – she was busy out on the shop floor but completely fine, if still rather dazed and bemused!


In the outdoor area, taking shelter from the strong noon heat on some covered seating, were a young man and lady, both wearing work tee shirts for one of the stores. The young man had a surgical boot on one foot and a pair of crutches close at hand.  He had obviously been resting his leg while they ate lunch, but now it looked like they were getting ready to go back into the store.  I would need to be speedy!

 “Ooh, that looks painful!” I remarked.  “Do you mind me asking what happened?”  “I fractured my foot” he replied with a rueful smile. “It’s slowly getting better.  I did it a month ago”.  Explaining about praying for people in pain and God healing them, the young man, José responded “Oh that’s really cool.  I do believe in Jesus”

I didn’t feel I should go over and lay hands but instead started releasing out loud a declaration of complete healing and strengthening over José’s foot, full range of movement with no setbacks or future vulnerability. There were other things I spoke over him in the flow but I can’t recall what they were!  I assured José that when he got home after work and took off his boot, he would find he could walk on it as normal without the crutches and not to be afraid, he would be fine as he walked out his healing!  He enthusiastically agreed to do this!

I then asked his colleague – Juanita – if there was anything she would like prayer for, either for herself or her family.  I sensed there were challenges going on at home for her right now, so was not surprised when she said that her family were struggling, especially in a certain area.  I spoke a declaration of freedom and Divine provision over her whole family, according to what I sensed from Holy Spirit.  Juanita kept nodding in surprise that I could “know” about those things.  She seemed deeply moved and thankful for that prayer.

They both encouraged me to keep doing what I was doing as they started back to their workplace.   


A few days later, I had cause to return to that same shopping mall, so quickly popped in to check how Marie and José were doing.  Marie was working in the backroom so I didn’t get to see her in person but her colleague recognised me and, when I asked how Marie was, especially her knees she said “Oh, her knees are all better.  She’s doing great and I’ll tell her that you were asking”.  Hallelujah! 

I didn’t know which part of the large store José worked in – but when I described José to another assistant as having worn a surgical boot and crutches recently she remarked “Oh sure, I know who you mean. José is good – he’s actually walking on that foot now”.  Woo Hoo!  José must have taken off the boot and walked in faith after we met, just as he said he would.  Now he was healed!


Finally, my eye was drawn to a young man in charge of the trolleys (carts!) in a large store and I felt Holy Spirit wanted to do something.  I sensed the Spirit say that I was to give this lad a certain amount of money with the message that God knows this boy – Max - has been questioning in his heart whether God really can be real or good when his family faces such financial hardship.  This money was to be a sign to him that God really is real, He understands what is in Max’s heart, cares deeply about him and his family and is giving him today a ”deposit”, an unexpected financial gift through a random visitor as a promise of the more that is to follow.  Max merely needs to believe and not give up.   Releasing this Heavenly gift and message was a beautiful way to finish my shopping trip – and I’m pretty sure Max thought so too! 

Praise you Jesus for all you did at this Mall - and over to You, Holy Spirit, for each of the onward journeys of these precious ones you caused me to encounter.