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Near the end of March 2016 I was in Uxbridge when a group of three secondary schoolgirls came up to me and asked if I would help with some questions about Uxbridge for their Geography coursework. Two of them were Muslim girls with headscarf/veils on. I find it intriguing that this happened then, as I had recently led an outreach event with a small group which involved asking people questions from clipboards.! I felt it hadn't gone very well at all. and I was discouraged afterwards. Using clipboards isn’t my way of interacting with people but it was something we were trying out that day.
I helped the girls with some answers then told them that, just as they approached me to talk, I also like to approach people to talk because I'm a kind of street pastor who prays for people and gives them encouragement from God They accepted my offer to tell them what God specifically had to say to each one of them and I went across the three girls giving them a prophetic word about how God sees them and how that impacts people around them.
I don’t remember all the words but with one girl, I sensed she needed encouraging in the whole area of confidence ( she nodded and agreed) I told her God wants her to know she doesn’t have to try to become a different version of herself, because He made her perfectly. He wants her to be completely herself, even if others have criticised what she is like. She drank in these words thirstily. The other girls also gladly accepted the words I gave them. I was able to share briefly my testimony of how Jesus had come into my own life and how he wasn’t just "my inspiration" as one of the girls had commented, but my everything. It was a precious encounter. I thank God for each one of them. One was called "Mia" and I think one had a name like Fatimah but I didn’t catch the other name, which I hadn’t heard before. Thank you for encouraging me through the clipboard Father! And Holy Spirit pursue those dear girls with your love and revelation.
I also had an encounter in Uxbridge that day with a lady overseeing an exhibition inside the shopping centre. I sensed her name was Marie – it was actually Mary!! I wish I had acted on that HS hunch and told her what I sensed her name was at the beginning, so she could see I knew it from God before she mentioned it to me. Next time! After a chat about the stand and her job that takes her to different parts of UK, I asked her if there was anything I could pray for her? She was a little surprised but actually quite touched and said she'd like prayer about a future work opportunity to do with media.
Even before I began to pray Mary became tearful and said “I don’t know what’s come over me” – the presence of God and his love was already moving on her! I prayed and she cried even more and thanked me for that prayer and said she needed to compose herself again for her job! I encouraged her to call out to Father God and she said she sometimes did and would. As we parted she said "God bless you!".
May the Lord bless you with His salvation all the days of your life, dear Mary.
PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)
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