Authority in our pointing!
Uxbridge 24th Feb 2016-02-24
I had the joy of encountering two of Fathers treasures in Uxbridge today.
First one was "Henry" – collecting for a charity. It was his first day on the job and he didn’t yet know any of his other colleagues. We got chatting – he had previously studied Psychology and wanted to help children with learning difficulties as he knew from his own experience growing up how much they needed support. Eventually I asked if there was anything I could pray for him and he said not really, he was in a pretty good place with things. I mentioned any physical pain or injuries as I often saw God take peoples' pain away there and then. He said he only had a sore foot from a recent football injury and he would like to be able to train again in a couple of days time. I said I was happy to pray for him and that he didn’t need to do anything but relax and receive it. It didn’t even need to look like I was praying for him as I was just going to point towards his foot and pray.
And so I did – I pointed my finger at his foot and commanded the swelling, bruising and pain to go and everything to be restored. Afterwards he told me that he felt an energy, a tingling – not just in his injured foot but in his whole body!! (I hadn’t told him he might feeling any particular sensations like energy or tingling - he just came out and said it on his own!) I told him that was the Presence and power of God healing him! We then had a chat about God. His father had died when he was quite young ( his father was a church warden and I think a believer) His mum became an atheist after her husband died.. "Henry" said he didn’t really know what he believed but had drifted towards atheism more.
I was able to give him my testimony and encourage him that anyone who calls out and asks Jesus to show them if He is real will get an answer from Him,. He will come to them as he did to me. He was quite fired up by this because of what God had done for me and the difference in my own life plus the experience that had just happened to him in his body. I was able to say that God had set up the appointment for us to meet and that he was knocking on "Henry's" door to tell him He was real, that He knows and cares about everything going on in "Henry's" life. "Henry" said he would definitely talk to God and ask Him as I had said! It was so precious and powerful and that’s the first time I have pointed at an injury – and it was healed!
Praise God and Father please bless your dear treasure "Henry" and cause him to remember this morning and to have a hunger to call out to you. Those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved!
Later on as I was returning to the car I encountered a young Asian man at a broadband stand. He was doodling in a notebook as another older guy tried to interest me in buying their services. I asked the young one what he was drawing and he showed me some sorts of designs/patterns to do with skateboarding and some logos he was producing for a skatewear internet company he was hoping to set up. He was excited and proud of showing me the designs. We talked about entrepreneurship and the plans he had for his potential new company.
Then I said to him that as a skateboarder I imagine he must have had some injuries over the time and did he still have any that caused him problems now.? I told him I was a Christian and loved to pray for people and see God take their pain away instantly. He told me he was a Muslim He had a bad shoulder which also affected his neck and his arm and one of his fingers was numb from an accident two years ago. The doctors had said he would always have pain from it on and off. He accepted my offer to pray for him and I put my hand on his shoulder and commanded wholeness and for the pain to leave in the name of Jesus.
I got him to test it out and he wasn’t sure if it was different so I prayed again and this time he checked and said it was definitely looser and not hurting. I asked if I could pray specifically for his finger and after praying he said that it was tingling! Then I prayed again and he said the tingling was now gone and he could feel feeling in it! He said “that’s pretty neat” and I said “That’s Jesus!” I did share some further Jesus things with him, blessed him to prosper in his plans for his business which he was grateful for and then I left for the car park. The boy's name was "Jalal". That encounter was pretty neat!!
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