Jesus walks - come rain, hail or shine ....
Uxbridge April 29th 2016
I’d felt quite agitated and anxious on my way in – not about anything in specific, just generally. I had to come against this by declaration and taking authority over the voice of the harasser and the accuser. I find this kind of anxiety is not all that unusual before i go in to pray for people - just an attack of fear and intimidation.
As I was walking out on the high street there was a young chap who was walking beside me. I thought he had said something to me so looked at him enquiringly but I think he had just been singing so I smiled and walked on.! Further on, our paths crossed again and I began to wonder if there might be a God "set-up." I walked on to where a group of older teenage kids were doing a sort of dance routine in the central square. I watched for a bit and guess who should be standing next to me but that same guy! I turned to him and said “Oh are these your friends dancing?” he said “No they’re from a local school”. I remarked that it was funny how we seemed to keep bumping into each other – he nodded and said “I know!” I then said "I wonder if it’s a God thing? “ Oh maybe” he said. Then I told him I was a Christian and explained how I love to listen to God for what he has to say to people to encourage them in specific ways. He was open to me saying what I sensed God say about him – he told me his name was "James".
I told him that I felt God was highlighting that he was asking questions and looking for direction about his future - what to do next, mainly in terms of his career/work. He nodded about that. Then I said that I felt he had an uncle who would have wisdom to share in this area and that he would help him. I said I didn’t know which uncle – he told me he only has one! (Phew! He did have an uncle!) So I encouraged him to connect with him and let him give him wise advice about future career direction based on his knowledge of who James is. James asked me if I was a clairvoyant ! I said “Oh no! – I don’t get my information from any other source but God, who loves and wants to help people and show Himself real to them. It was time for the encounter to end - "James" thanked me and we parted .
Some time later I was making my way back towards the car park and outside a doorway there were two young men who were obviously collecting for something. I felt that a God encounter was coming so I drew aside and pretended to look at my phone while I was asking Holy Spirit what he wanted to say to each of these guys. I put my phone in my bag and then heard one of them call over to me with a cheery "Hi!" They were really surprised when I answered “Hi!” back and walked towards them! They told me they were promoting a charity and did I know about it etc? After some general chat I discovered they were only there that week and would be moving on to other locations. It’s funny but at the beginning they had said “We can see that you’re on some sort of mission”!! Lol - little did they know! They were friendly guys. One tall. One short. Both Asian. One Muslim.
After our chat I said “Before I go…and explained about being a Christian who loved to hear God for others. They were really open to me sharing. The tall one was called "Osman" – I said that I felt God had highlighted that he was a really great big brother!. That obviously people "looked up to him" because he was tall but actually he is looked up to and admired as a true role-model and those around him are inspired to go further and higher because of him. I asked if he did have sibling/s – and he told me "Yes" and that he is the eldest brother!! “ Well there you go” I said! I also told him that I felt he was this great big brother even outside of his own family situation – to his friendship group and colleagues, helping them and inspiring them on – the other Asian guy was nodding enthusiastically confirming this was true of his friend. It was beautiful. "Osman"was really touched and thankful.
Then I turned to his colleague whose name was "Harindra". I told him that I felt he had gone through a series of setbacks in terms of work/career where he took one step forward and two back, like he went down lots of cul de sacs. He nodded and said he had actually been talking about that to "Osman"! I told him that God wanted to open up to him a straight path where he could gain momentum and make progress without getting lost in a maze. I felt that God would provide people – good, wise people who could help him identify that straight path for him. He would know within himself who those people are and if they are the good ones to be trusted for wise advice. He was really grateful for this word. I then felt prompted to bless his family particularly any suffering from health issues right now – he said "oh that’s my Mum!" (she had terrible back issues) and his Dad had undergone several heart surgeries! He was so grateful that I spoke this and I am grateful God highlighted it just as I spoke
Now I had an amazing opportunity to give my short testimony of how I came to be a Christian when I encountered God and how Jesus has been so amazing in my life showing me the most incredible love and kindness which is why I go and tell others about Him, so they can know him too. They listened –really listened – to every word I said. At the end "Osman" said that there are times when we are "just meant to meet" certain people and this was the day they were meant to meet me!! . He was really genuine in his words. Thank you Jesus! I encouraged them both to call on Jesus with a genuine heart and ask him to reveal Himself to them. Jesus would come and show them who He is ! Then I walked away into the sudden hailstorm that had just randomly blown in!!!! Glory! No storm can stop the Prince of Peace!
Keep these precious ones in your constant care and protection Father. They are seeking and you are pursuing. Encounter them in a life changing unforgettable way. For Jesus' sake and your glory, Father
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