Uxbridge May 2016
Uxbridge High Street - still with red phone boxes!
I had a few short and sweet encounters to begin with. One was with a very tall chap named "Tim" but wanted to be called "Abdul" as he saw himself as a Muslim now. I had a word for him about having a creative idea which would be very important. He received that word - even though guardedly - he understood its relevance and thanked me.
Gareth was standing beside hm and the word i had for him was about God wanting him to get to his "sweet spot" - the place where he is fully alive, fully himself. Breaking the mould of the expectations others have of him so he can be his real best self. He resonated with this and thanked me for sharing it with him.
I was in a ladies clothing store at the till where the lady serving was a more mature Mum-type lady called Sandra. I felt God had a word about her daughter so plucked up the courage to tell her that God loves her family and wants her to know He hasn't forgotten her daughter. She said "I know which daughter that is" and proceeded to tell me about one of her two daughters (who helps in a Sunday School) who was actually going through some really tough stuff. This word was a comfort for her Mum to know that God was taking care of her daughter in the midst of her trials. She said she would be glad to pass it on to her daughter to encourage her. Yay God!
Later I was in a department store where I couldn't locate the item I needed. There was a youngish Asian girl serving there and when i asked about the item she was happy to go off and look for it for me. While she was gone I asked HS for a word for this girl. On her return (no item!) I told her i was a Christian who loved to encourage others with God's good words for them. I told her that I felt she loved dancing (Which she does, though watching rather than doing!!) I then told her that i felt that she had these dreams in her heart that were so strong but that no one in her friendship group or family supported her in them. In fact they tried to turn her away from them, making her feel inadequate, and shut down her horizons to smaller things.
She was visibly amazed and said that is EXACTLY how she feels. In fact her dreams are so strong that she thad old her friend THE DAY BEFORE that she had even prayed to God to ask what she should do about it because it was so hard to have these dreams but no one to support her!!!! Now here i was telling her this message from God that he understood and that, while she can honour and love her family, she mustn't shut down her horizons - in fact God wanted to broaden her horizons. It was the timing of it that was so cool. The fact she had prayed to God and told her friend about it the day before (the friend thought she was crazy) It led to me being able to talk about God and his goodness through Jesus, my own brief testimony and i think i gave her a copy of Father's Love Letter. Her name is "Sana"
As I was at the pay kiosk for the car park there was a lady there who was walking awkwardly, obviously in pain. Before I had come out to Uxbridge i had asked HS if there were any particular sicknesses/injuries he wanted to heal and i had written down on my phone “left knee”. So far I hadn't encountered anyone with knee issues, though. I remarked to the lady that she looked to be in pain and did she have a sore hip? She told me about problems in her knees - especially her left knee!! When I told her what God had said to me before i came out she was amazed.. She is a Christian but not from this area. I offered to pray for her and she was delighted to let me. I think i prayed a few times for the pain to leave and eventually she was bending her knees and saying they felt great! She couldn't get over it.
We had a lovely chat together and she also prayed for me and my ministry. So cool to see that healing for this lovely lady Rose. And that HS had told me ahead of time about the knee and it happened at the last minute of my trip!
Aslan is on the move!!
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