What we do for the least of these…….
The two main encounters I remember from February were both young ladies working for a homeless charity and standing at different points on Slough High Street. The first one I met was called "Leah" – we had a good chat and she explained how she had come out of homelessness herself some years ago but was now in a hostel, paying rent and making progress in her job. She is a campaigner for Green Peace too, a real activist kind of lady. Much of her conversation was about the “Universe” and “positive energy” etc
I told her I was a street pastor and what that looks like for me. She seemed really cool with that, though she wasn’t a believer herself. I explained to her that one of the ways I like to bless people is to hear a really encouraging message for them from God and would she be open to me telling one to her?. She said yes! I didn’t have anything at the time but as I went on to speak I found myself asking her “You have a sister?” "Ye-es" (curious tone in her voice) “ I feel like God is saying that he is bringing reconciliation between you and your sister” I continued. Leah almost didn’t know what to do with herself – she put her hand over her mouth and was starting to cry. She said “This has been hanging so heavy on me (the situation with her sister) and just LAST NIGHT I was feeling so worried about it all and how to take it forward….and now here you are telling me this. I can't believe it.!” She was so bowled over. She actually said “This is a message from God” !
She was so honouring of what I do and called me the “roaming pastor” saying it was just awesome to meet someone like me. It was amazing to see the power of such few words but the timing of them and the way they spoke into her life were beyond doubt. So wonderful. Thank you Father …please continue to pursue dear Leah who has such a heart for others so that she can see your heart for her.
Later on i met Leah's colleague "Ayla"– a lovely tall black young lady, a twin. When I explained what I had just been doing as I spoke to “Leah” she told me that she was a Christian but had been in and out of church and had only recently started going back. When I asked what she might like prayer for, she confided in a low voice that she hadn’t even told her colleagues this but she was actually homeless herself right now. Her landlord had taken back the property she was renting and she had nowhere to go so had been staying on friends’ floors etc. She also has a little dog and not all properties will take a pet so she had to send him to a friend out of area. Her boyfriend helps where he can but its not really possible for her to stay at his place and they don’t want that for their relationship. It sounded like things were not too good between her and her Father too.
I prayed for this lovely girl – especially for finances to come from unexpected places so that she could have the deposit needed and more for her next property and for it to be a safe and stable place for her to stay. And for reconciliation between her and her father. I prayed other things too but that’s what I remember most. She was so thankful to me and we hugged – I gave her my card with some contact details . A few weeks later ….she was in touch! She thanked me so much for the word I spoke over her life and said that it was powerfull and coming to pass already! Finance was coming from unexpected places and although it wasn’t all there yet she was so encouraged to see the progress towards her goal. It was so lovely to hear from her and to learn how that word was already being worked out in her life. Yay God!
I don’t know if it was the same day but in February I also popped in on "Sahana" again in the department stores (the one I had prayed for many kinds of oppression over her and her house to leave) She told me that since that time of being prayed for she had been absolutely fine and her house was fine and even her cat - which previously used to freak out for no reason(!) - was now calm in the house!!. Everything was calm. She was very grateful. Vic and the other lady were not there that day but I have seen Vic since and she said her back was fine! (I’d prayed for her back some weeks previously) More Lord!
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