Miracles coming here soon !
January 18th 2017 Slough
Went in with words about healing for : backs, balance/dizziness/headaches
Sarah/Brian- names?
Department Store - I was checking out an item where two sales assistants were standing – a youngish lady who I thought I recognised) and a pretty, mid-aged Asian lady. It was empty in the shop and the three of us chatted about the very cold weather, about exploding mobile phones (!) and the younger lady mentioned about the cold making her back worse from an old injury she got a couple of years ago.
I asked her if her name was Sarah and she said "no (!) why?" I said "I think im supposed to see someone called Sarah today but I don’t know where - I'm a street pastor ---and she said “Oh, I remember you now !! .. you prayed for me when a group of us were out on the high street promoting a beauty shop ….”.Oh yes! I exclaimed are you "Vanessa"...? Yes! How did you remember? and we talked about the encounter which was a good couple of years before! She updated me on the other girls (whose names I only remembered because I'd just been reading my account of that encounter a few weeks before!) and I asked her if I could pray for her back….she said yes.
During our chat the other assistant was listening to everything and also this random older lady customer (whose accent i really couldn't place...Irish??) came and just sat down on a stool right there with us!! I was a bit irritated she was there and was just hoping she wasn't going to interrupt things or babble on about pointless stuff. But she didn’t, and was listening to everything going on. As I prayed for "Vanessa's"s back, the other assistant went off to the side. I asked "Vanessa" what was going on and she said she could feel something like a cool breeze going up and down on the inside of her legs! I prayed again and also for her life situation and told her that God wanted to restore her picture of guys and show her what a good man looks like. God would bring good men into her midst and around her boys (sons) and show her how to trust again.. The other assistant was back by now and "Vanessa" said they had both been talking just earlier about her not trusting men anymore, so the word really resonated with her.
Then the assistant said to me – "oh you have a queue of people who want you to pray for them"! The manager of the department, beautifully dressed in a red suit, came closer having waited and watched me pray. She began to tell me openly that she has such negative energy all around her and she can’t get past feelings of foreboding - that things that start of well will end up badly. Even in her house she feels there is something wrong there and has felt things brush up against her and call out to her from the dark shadows! She told me she is a Muslim (name Sahana) and believes in praying though doesn’t pray as much as a muslim should. I told her that I would be honoured to pray for her and that I believe Jesus could take care of this (oppression). She was quite happy for me as a Christian to pray for her.
I prayed against all kinds of different spirits and oppressions over her and cut them off her. Also for her home to be clean and pure like her name, over her body mind and spirit then released the peace of Jesus and a whole lot of stuff I can’t even remember! At the end she looked really relaxed and told me that she felt so light! At first when I prayed she had felt like her legs were so heavy, like she was in concrete and her head was so headachey(!!) but now she felt that heaviness had come up out of her body and she felt so different ! She was saying it out loud to the others. I told her that it was Jesus who had done that for her and I encouraged her in a quiet place to call to him and ask him “Who are you Jesus? – please show me who you really are” and He would come and show Himself to her. She said I am definitely going to do that! And I gave her one of my cards so she could contact me in the future. She was really happy and when I saw her about an hour later she said she still felt really good and light!
Then the lady on the stool asked me if I could do anything for her knee and rolled up her trouser leg to show me her knee that was large and swollen looking . She told me she had just come from the doctors and they were going to do an xray …she had been troubled by it for a long while now and she had also fallen down sometimes. She'd previously had a broken ankle and other issues all on the left side of her body. So I asked her to scale the pain – 7 on the scale – and prayed for her….had her test it out , it went down to 5….prayed again and she said it was better! Then I prayed for her whole left side including her shoulder for a “factory reset” complete renovation/realignment and everything to be strengthened and rebuilt so no more falling down. At one point her body sort of jerked and she told me afterwards that things had moved inside her and she felt so much better.
She then told me something of her life. Her name is "Sally" - an Afro Caribbean lady who believes in Jesus and had encountered Him when she tried to commit suicide many years ago after a disastrous marriage Her 8 year old son had seen what was happening and called the ambulance. Before she regained consciousness, she encountered Jesus in a dark tunnel and He put his hand on her head and told her “go on now Daughter” or something similar!! Wow! . It felt like we were on holy ground. Thank you Holy Spirit for letting me partner with you in encountering these precious ones. I’m overwhelmed. The other lady in the pair I haven’t yet prayed for but I hope I will have an opportunity in the future. As I left the shop she said “please remember me in your prayers”…I couldn’t pray with her just then as she was now busy with customers.
Next I moved further into the shopping centre and in one of the corridors was a stand for a finance company with two young people staffing it I got talking with them about finance, the state of the world, bitcoin - all sorts! Then told them I do something even more crazy than bitcoin and explained about being a sort of street pastor and what that means. They were intrigued and I said one of the things I most like to do is to listen to God for others so he can give a specific encouragement to them about their life. I asked if it would be okay to say what He had for them – even though at this stage I really had absolutely nothing!!
I started with the girl, a sweet open faced girl called Lacey. I just went for it and found myself saying- "You have a sister ?" "Yes" "A younger sister?" "Ye-es"…she was already kinda amazed I would know that …then i told her how she had a really important role in her sister’s life, more than is usual for a sister. She looked at her colleague knowingly…and the word carried on about how God through that role had given her such an enabling in wisdom that is unusual for her age, in fact she has an “old head on young shoulders”, and she said – “Yes! other people have told me that exact same thing, it’s so true!” “ So this gift of wisdom is really important and God-given and you also have that role among your friendship group - even right now you have friends who have made some bad decisions and you are walking with them through that and having a real impact on them at an important time” She was nodding and smiling and I could tell it was true! God has purposefully placed people around you for you to influence ….but I also feel He is saying that your support and even sacrifices that you make for others will not stop you advancing. They won't cost you getting to where you want to be. God will make sure you get to where you want to be going even though you are giving so much to others." It was such a privilege to deliver this word and to watch the impact it made on Lacey and how it just bowled her over that someone would know those things about her and that it was all from God!
Then it was her colleague "Max's" turn. . He said he was really open to "this kind of thing" and he had been to a medium (!) after his Nan died who told him so many accurate things about her. But then Lacey said “oh no that’s not the same thing” ! which I confirmed heartily! …I looked at him and told him that he was a warrior - the kind of person who saw something and went for it and didn’t let obstacles stop him. He just knows what he wants to get and goes for it like a warrior. He nodded and openly said – "yeah I’m unafraid of anything"…it was also about him being the person in the room who reads the group situation and doesn’t wait for others to bring the party but he just gets on and does it himself He was smiling and chuckling and nodding.
Then I paused and felt led to ask ….Is there illness in your family right now? He hesitated as if unsure of the question and then I said “or is there some kind of real difficulty - to do with your parents? And he said ….well my parents are actually in the process of divorcing now. I just looked at him and said – yes that’s really tough in your family and I feel God is saying he doesn’t want you to minimise the pain that is causing you because that is big in your heart right now and painful (he nodded) and God is saying it's okay to process that pain and He will help you do it in a healthy way so you don’t have to deny it or push it down and it doesn’t have to scar you for later life and take away from relationships that you will have yourself.
He was so grateful for this word and he and Lacey just kept saying it was so amazing what they had just heard. So it was easy to talk to them about Jesus doing that and the God who knows them so well and how amazing they are the way He made them and just loves them radically. Then to encourage them to ask God sincerely to come and reveal who He is to them.because he will come running to anyone with a sincere invitation. I gave them both one of my cards with contact details then blessed them both and walked on into the day. Oh my goodness - Glorious!!
PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)
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