Holy Spirit landing at Schipol airport Amsterdam!
I was pretty stoked after I'd seen what God did for Robert in the main square in Amsterdam (see Treasures in Amsterdam Part 1) so I was keen to keep searching for more treasures.
I found one in a shopping mall and he was selling Dead Sea products - "Levi", a Jewish guy. We got talking and i don't think i shared a particular word with him but we just talked about faith and i shared my testimony with him. He was very open to discussing faith matters and I know that some good seeds were sown there. I would like to have prayed for him but there wasn't really the opening to do that so I need to leave "Levi's" next faith steps to you, Holy Spirit!
I came across "Matt" next - he was outside an exhibition on the pavement guiding people inside. Just a young student. I explained to him what i was doing in Amsterdam and gave him a word which was about confidence in decision making and also about him being musical. He resonated with that as he is in a band! I think i said a couple of other things that weren't so “on point” for him but he was curious and listened to my brief testimony of discovering Jesus. Nurture those seeds Holy Spirit and bring that encounter to Mart's mind again and again. Ambush him with your love!
The other main person i encountered was in the airport shopping mall. He was also promoting some cosmetics and i had a chuckle about meeting his colleague in another part of town. I had quite a simple but bold word for this man - "Erik" - and it was that he would soon be moving house/accommodation! At first he joked along and said "Oh I will, will I ?" but then as i explained this is what I felt God was saying, he ushered me aside and asked if i would walk with him away from his boss at the stand. It turned out that "Erik" had JUST THE NIGHT BEFORE been talking with his girlfriend about moving on from this job but his current boss didn't know and the accommodation he had now came through the job which he was thinking of giving up. He was really intrigued that I would come and talk about this the very next day after he had talked with his girlfriend about it. It was a great opportunity to talk with him about the God who knows and sees everything about him and cares so much that he would send a random stranger like me there for one day to tell him that. I think it was quite overwhelming for him. He let me pray for him right there and then and we both parted ways and I went off to meet Duncan.
A beautiful time in a very interesting city so needy of the love and power of Jesus!
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