Redeeming the time!
So I was in Uxbridge (June 2016) waiting for Christie who was clothes shopping!
As i waited, i looked round for any treasures to encounter and there was a stand promoting a discount store. Two ladies were managing it and i asked Holy Spirit about them then went over to give them their words.
The first was for the more senior lady "Rita". That she was in a time of transition that was messy, bitty and unsatisfying. But God was taking her into a new phase where things will gain momentum and she would begin to take ground, move forward and progress. She SO identified with that word and knew that her younger colleague knew it too! She was obviously impacted and intrigued by this happening and looked very thoughtful indeed.
Next her colleague "Michelle". The word was that she is more gifted and competent than she allows....God is calling her to new levels of courage to try things out, step up and speak out instead of letting others do it. It might feel risky and scary but she'll see how much she can actually do and it will be exciting. She knew this did describe her and she was nodding and smiling the whole time. She told me afterwards that she does go to church but hadn't for a while.... she said she could see and feel the power of God in my words and would definitely go back to church now!
Note to self : Waiting for someone does not have to be a drag!!
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