Breakthrough coming .....
Slough 14th October 2016 SLOUGH encounters
The first person I met was kind of a "warm-up" encounter – "Ky", a well spoken young Asian man handing out leaflets. Before I had met him I felt HS highlight that this man had further studies/ training to do in the future and that God would give him success in them. He acknowledged that though he is working full time now he had ideas and plans to study again later and we had a nice chat about being in Slough. I offered to pray for any health or life issues but he said he was doing well and didn’t take up my offer. He was happy I had spoken to him though and was smiling as I left
Things were slow after that, plus I wasn’t feeling 100 % and I was happy to sit down a while and watch for any opportunities. Eventually I saw two young guys in their early twenties on a bench so I sat down next to them while they ate their lunch, vaguely looking at my phone (but really listening to HS!) Before they got up to go, I introduced myself and said I had been praying for them while I was sitting there and could I share some encouragement for them both? They seemed okay about me doing that so I asked their names – "Mario" (Portuguese) and Lucas (Polish?) – and spoke a word to each one.
Mario was a reserved, quiet kind of guy. His word was about him having creativity through poetry, music and rapping and how the power of music helps him find balance and peace in his life, . Also that he is a good big brother – he was nodding and also confirmed he is a big brother to a younger brother.
Lucas’s word was about him having an “engineering” kind of mind, knowing how things work and what sequence they work in etc . He was smiling as i said this and I could see it was resonating. I then spoke about his family going through some tough stuff recently, really challenging and difficult He looked at his friend knowingly and was starting to well up. As I spoke about Father's love and assured him that God had seen and known all he had gone through and was there to help him in the toughest of times, he was so moved that he stood up and hugged me spontaneously with tears in his eyes. It was very precious.
Then I asked Lucas if I could pray for him and he readily agreed. I prayed the Father's love over him in different ways as I was led at the time. Afterwards he said “thank you so much” and then said – completely unbidden – "while you were praying I really felt something happening in here" – and pointed to his chest area. "What was it like?" I asked him? Like "some kind of force" moving around, in a good way – he didn’t know how to explain it but was clearly impacted by it.
Then he told me that he had a friend who was brought up without any Christian input in his home. He had been a really “wild boy” but one day he had a “moment with God” that changed him completely and he no longer acts or speaks the same but in a kind and good way now. I told Lucas that he had also just had a “moment with God” and that was the power/presence of God he was feeling moving on the inside of him. He didn’t have a belief background and I got the impression his Mum might be single parent. I explained a bit about receiving Jesus and asked if he wanted to do that now. He said he thought he needed some time to think about what had happened and I encouraged him in that.
I also prayed for "Mario" I prayed about his creative gift and also for peace over torment and confusion in his mind and heart. I broke off limitations spoken over him by others about what he could achieve.
t was a really precious encounter - all the more so as i was feeling physically weak that day.
I also ended up praying for a lady called Saira in a perfume place. When I offered to pray for her she asked if I would please pray for her mother in Goa as she had diabetes and spondolitis (I think!) . Anyway I prayed there in the shop and will hopefully be able to go and speak with her at a future time.
PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)
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