Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

Elvis in the High Street


Slough encounters 19th October 2016

I had prayed beforehand and felt HS highlight arm/hand/wrist pain issues    I also prayed to encounter "people of Peace" who He had prepared beforehand

The first person I encountered was "Maggie" – a girl in her early twenties, with untidy kind of rasta hair, beads and piercings.  She was collecting for a charity.   I told her I was a street pastor and she was cool with that. When I asked her how things were going she told me – even with a smile -  that actually things weren't great because she was homeless and had a miscarriage a month ago.   She was from the South West and had just come to Slough for this one day with the job.  She said she had just been out round the corner crying about the miscarriage and said she didn’t know why.  She thought she was okay about it and knows it'‘s "nature's way" but sometimes when she sees other women with babies it hurts.  I explained a bit about the grieving process and encouraged her not to feel bad if tears come as it's normal and needs to happen.  

I asked if I could pray with her and she was very happy to let me.  I began to pray asking God to so put his love around her heart that she would be able to feel it right now . She nodded and said "I can feel it".  I prayed for healing of her heart from grief and loss, for her boyfriend and work and felt led to pray for healing of her stomach and digestive issues.  After I finished she said – "that’s unbelievable, how do you know all those things about me?"  and I explained about HS who reveals things because God wants to show he is real and how he knows and loves us and gave a bit of my own testimony.  She said "I just want to hug you" - and did!! 

I told her that God is looking for simple sincere invitation and He will come in and live with us forever if we invite him. She asked me would it mean I have to go to church or “can I just go and be love and light” ?! (Great question!)   I explained the benefit of getting together with other believers regardless of whether that’s in a church building or not and how we need encouragement in our faith walk but primarily it's about our relationship with Father God.  She understood.  I asked did she want to ask Jesus now and she said "I think I want to do that on my own when my manager isn’t nearby".  She was happy and grateful - and so was I !!!  Heaven on earth

Later on up the street I met her colleague –"Ryan".  When I told him I was a street pastor he said “Will you pray for me?” !!  I didn’t even have to offer!  I asked him if there was anything particular - he said maybe relationships ‘cos the one he was in was very up and down. I felt led to pray against the lies and criticisms spoken against him in life to keep him small, insignificant and limited.  And other things to do with how God saw him and how amazing he is .  At the end he said he really needed that and that what I had prayed was true – he had been put down by people even very close to him who had tried to stop him going in certain directions with his work because they said he wouldn’t be up to it.  I sensed it was also messages right down through his childhood. He was grateful and said he had felt really loved through that prayer.  It was such a blessing to be part of him encountering the love of God like that .

A bit further on I saw a little group of 3 guys – I thought South East Asian?.  I just went up to them and said I pray for people and could I pray for any of them for pain or sickness to go away.  One of them left (!) but of the other 2 one spoke some English and was able to explain to the other one what I was offering.  He himself didn’t have any pain or sickness but the other older one had some sort of body pain all over his chest and stomach area –I don’t know what the condition was but I got permission to pray for him.  They were from East Timor and have been in GB a few years.  The man I prayed for was called Elvis!!!!  

I asked about a pain scale and I think the translation was a 3.  I prayed over him and asked the other guy to see what was going on for Elvis.  Her said he could feel something while I prayed in his body but couldn’t explain it.  I prayed again and he said that everything felt good now.  Then the translator asked if I could pray for his family back in E Timor.  His son of two months was sick and unable to sleep well.  I put a hand on him and prayed for his son but also for him to be released from fear and to know the love of God for him.  He was very still and quiet and really received my prayer.  He was very grateful and they both smiled and  thanked me as I left.

Finally I was about to go home when a cleaning lady came past and I saw she had a bandage round her wrist.  I asked her what was wrong and she said she just sometimes gets pain in it, she doesn’t know why.  Here was my painful arm person!!  I explained I had asked God before I came and he had told me about painful hands and she smiled and said “Really?!”  She was eastern European I think and her name "Magdalena" .  She told me she did believe in God.  I asked if I could pray and she was happy to let me.  After first time of praying I checked with her and she said she could feel something in her body as I prayed.  I prayed again for her hand and she said again she had a feeling which she couldn’t describe in her whole body. She was really happy as I prayed blessing on her and her family releasing fresh hope and joy for the future. She told me that it was the first time anyone had ever told her something good from God for her.  She was such a dear lady and so precious to the Father.

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Beauty meets Brokenness

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