From every tribe and tongue
Slough 10th August 2017
I was really tired today but wanted to press on and be available to show people His love in whatever format and not limited by my own stuff…….I had a few “hints” for the day but honestly didn’t find any of them! Slow burn, low energy, sluggish mind!! But ….
I came across a young lady who sat on a bench near me and I asked Father what He loves about her. I felt I heard Him say how thoughtful this girl is, how she puts a lot of thought into her friendships and how she is thoughtful generally with others – eg the messages she sends people and the gifts she chooses for them etc. Also that she has a real future in the caring sector because that is how her heart is wired, to care and look after people. She had earphones in so I introduced myself saying “excuse me” etc and she let me tell her what I had to say….she was quite a shy girl but smiled when I told her what I felt God had said and received it . She said thank you and seemed quite genuinely surprised but in a nice way. She said the things I’d told her did make sense to her and we parted. Her name is Rachel.
I also got talking to a young lady called "Julia" (not sure where from, possible Italy) She was with a finance company. She didn’t need prayer for anything but was friendly. I saw her again a couple hours later on and she told me she had been thinking how great it is that I am there to help people and encourage them. As I spoke to her I felt HS give me some things to say to her about how she will be a great Mum and that she already is that mother figure to her friends (she chuckled and said how true it was! She’s always reminding them to bring things or not be late etc!) and that she is the one her friends will come to when things are tough and they need help. I could see she needed to get on so I told her that if what I had said was true then she could know who gave that insight for me to share with her and pointed to heaven - and she said “God” .
A bit later I was sitting on a bench and a sweet young Asian lady sat down next to me.. I introduced myself and asked her name – Nisha, which means night, I think she said. We had a really good chat together – she had only come from India to UK a few months previously and had been married only a few months before that. (arranged marriage) She told me about her time in England so far, what her husband does, different aspects of indian culture vs British culture etc. It was so interesting. She was the first one in her family to adventure overseas and I really sensed the adventuring pioneer spirit in her. At some point we got onto “religion”. She has such a sweet, pure heart to care for others, especially the poor, and is not “religious” though she goes to temple. We talked about superstition that holds many captive in India and other things like that. I had opportunity to tell her about my own experience of discovering what God is like through Jesus and my testimony of coming to meet him and start a brand new life with Him. It was very precious to give the Good News of the gospel in this way. At a couple of points I thought I saw her brush a tear away but maybe I was mistaken. She asked for my contact details. I gave her my card, blessed her and her husband and hugged her then left.
Over to you wonderful Holy Spirit. Pursue this beautiful young lady whose heart is so tender and open to your goodness and love towards others
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