The airwaves belong to Him!
Random healings on random days for random people in July/August 2017
A lady at a church "A" -- suffering from neuralgia affecting mouth/jaw, level 4/10 pain – 2 short prayers – totally released from the pain!
A cleaner: Neck pain level 4/10 – it was quite early morning, I was really not in the mood to pray or even talk (!!) but knew it didn’t depend on my mood but on Jesus within me. So I prayed for her a couple of times and the pain went completely. A week later she said it was okay but not all the time. I encouraged her to stand firm in her healing and not to allow the enemy to try and take it from her.
"Sim"– Gideon messaged me to say a friend of his really needed encouragement and specifically healing. Despite repeated prayer, he hadn’t received healing yet and he had never experienced a healing miracle. . I asked if he could come to the phone so I could pray for him and Gid put his phone on speaker phone. The pain scale he had was 8/10. He had fallen down some stairs and hurt/sprained his ankle. it was swollen too. The pain went down from 8 to 4 first of all as Gid laid hands on his ankle and I commanded healing over the phone. Sim said he felt quite intense heat in his ankle area during the prayer. Then after a second prayer all the pain was GONE! The swelling didn’t go down at that point but the pain was completely gone. He had never experienced anything like that before and was really impacted by what God did for him. Sweeeet!! First phone healing for a stranger!! Give Sim confidence that he can do the same and heal others through your name, Jesus
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