No one left out
SLOUGH 1st August 2017
There was a team of four from a charity out on the high street today. Just there for the day. Two guys and two young ladies. And I got to speak to each of them one in turn at different points along the street!
The first one was "Joshua" – (possibly Philippino , from a Catholic background. We talked about his work and I explained what I was doing in Slough – not to preach at people but to show them a demonstration of the goodness of God through encouragement or healing. He seemed to get that and although he didn’t need prayer for healing himself, he was grateful for the words I spoke over him and said it had made his day!
The next one was a lovely young girl called Shola. I had a prophetic word for her and she received it saying she is a believer and that she was about to cry because God had said the exact same thing to her the previous Sunday as I was saying to her now !! I asked her about healing needs and she said she didn’t know how she got it but she just woke up some weeks ago with bad ankle pain that comes and goes and can be really debilitating. Pain scale 4 or 5/10 when I asked her to scale it right then. I prayed for her 3 times and here is the interview afterwards: It was really sweet ! Thank you Jesus – raise up this daughter to step out in boldness in her own church and among those you place around her.
I also talked with "Louise" – a lovely young lady doing a Music degree and who wants to be a music therapist, particularly in prisons. As she spoke I felt sure she must be a Christian and asked her if she was- Yes of course she was!! I explained about how I love to give people outside the church walls a glimpse of the goodness of God, and she was really interested in that. She didn’t have healing needs but I just blessed her with how amazing she is and asked God to bless everything that is in her hand to do.
The final one was the team leader – "Ryan". A smiling South African guy in his forties. We talked about South Africa, his plans to go back there maybe permanently and some other personal stuff around that. His real passion is to be a conservationist photographer. I felt a real heart for him – but didn’t feel I should offer to pray for him. Instead I explained to him how I see the streets as “church” and want to demonstrate the goodness of God, not just preach at people. He really got that. I just blessed him as he gets ready to go back to SA and thanked God for who "Ryan" is and how he made him to have such a unique view of the world to view things in a unique way. I blessed him to capture that through cameraI and I really felt Holy Spirit’s moving over him. He warmly shook my hand twice afterwards. Father was on that in a special way – pursue Him Papa and as the other team members share their encounters that day, may your kindness swamp him again until he comes home.
Finally I saw a young Muslim shop assistant in her veil, sitting cross legged and folding towels on the shop floor. I told her that it must be a tedious job with so many towels to fold! She smiled and agreed. I told her that I was praying for her - which she thanked me for enthusiastically - and told her I felt God wanted to encourage her with something and could I share it (told her I was a Christian) she said yes. It was about writing! That she had a hidden talent for writing and that God was saying that he doesn’t want it to be hidden because there are people who need to hear what she has to say . She seemed to understand what this all meant and was so happy I had shared it with her. It was really short but sweet. Tiny seed of life be fruitful in her life through Jesus' Name!
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