Someone in excruciating pain receives a brand new knee from Heaven in the matter of moments!
All in Physical Healing
Someone in excruciating pain receives a brand new knee from Heaven in the matter of moments!
A man receives unexpected healing high up in the Swiss Alps!
Sometimes seeing is NOT believing - two healings that were not visible until they were!
A lady unexpectedly gets a new walk when Jesus grows her leg out!
A shop manager suffering chonic leg and foot pain proves her healing in 14,000 steps!
Song lyrics over shopping centre sound systems point to miracles in the waiting !
A lady in pain at the checkout gets hotly pursued by the healing love of Jesus!!
A certain hotel corridor burns with Holy healing fire for two staff and guests!
In the depths of a new age town or the height of an aeroplane flight - the healing power of Jesus knows no bounds!
Check out these miracles that money could never buy but Jesus gave away for free at an everyday shopping mall in the USA!
A lady in arthritic pain is healed when hands are laid over a photo of her thumb!
A sudden snapshot of the Spirit leads to a healing encounter with two European visitors via Google Translate
Billy experiences the tangible presence of Jesus for the first time - on a town bench!
Jesus encounters a young Muslim man in Jordan with the help of Google Translate!
A fitting room assistant gets her own very unexpected change - healing in place of high level pain!
Jake’s great day -from limping and wounded to walking free and unaided in a matter of moments!
When is “sick” not unwell or unwelcome? - when it means a young man is healed!
A store assistant with dental pain receives miracle post-surgery recovery that points her to the Father’s love
A mother is healed of severe back pain hours before a demanding return journey to her homeland
Someone injured and in pain receives a healing touch from an unwell passer by!