Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

A harvest of healing - body, mind, emotions

A local town centre, Wednesday lunchtime, October 2019 


Today I felt drawn to go into this particular town at this time of day to wander the market places there with Holy Spirit.  Very glad of some milder weather and a respite from all the recent rainfall!  I wasn’t feeling my best after catching a chill recently but I wanted to lean into His enabling strength and prayed heartily in Heaven language as I drove into town.

The first person I came across was a young lady on the high street working for a charitable organisation.  She is originally from Lativia and her name is “Alicia”.  After chatting for a while, she asked me what I was doing in town and I explained! When I asked her if she had any physical pain, she spoke about having residual pain from a car accident a few years ago.  Occasionally it flares up so badly she has to lie down but there seems to be no medical explanation for it according to MRI scans and it can affect different areas of her body.  

Alicia was quite bemused by my offer to pray ten seconds for her there and then!  She wasn’t experiencing pain right in that moment but did let me pray.  Apart from commanding healing, body realignment and release from pain, I also took authority over the trauma that had impacted her body through the accident.  Afterwards she said that she had felt like a breeze had been blowing around inside her body!  She was smiling and didn’t know what to make of it all.  I explained that Jesus loved her and was healing her, even when doctors didn’t know what to do.  She asked if she could hug me and then we parted – I think she will need time to process what happened and I ask you, dear Holy Spirit, to process it with her and point her to Jesus continually!  

I needed to buy some veg at the fruit and veg stall and, after paying, I checked in with the man who served me (“Jamie”) whether he had any aches or pains.  He told me about a lower back issue going down into his leg but more troublesome to him still was an elbow issue that hurt a fair bit (6-7/10) especially with the physical nature of his work.  He was surprised but fine with letting me pray right there which I did in different chunks – being mindful of him needing to tend to customers and not upset his boss in the near vicinity!.  The pain came down in degrees and, after three times praying, Jamie was good to go!  I did return later to pray quickly for his leg too.  This audio clip was recorded as we walked briskly up the road for him to get some pound coins!!  It was all pretty comical but hopefully the gist of it comes through okay in the clip:

On my return of this stretch of the street, I met a young lady who was with a team of 3 other colleagues promoting a well known company .  I had a nice chat with two of them – “Kashida” and “Amanah”, I believe from Muslim background.  They were very interested in hearing about praying for people to be healed right there in the street.  “Amanah” asked if it works with anxiety too and told me something of her situation.  She was currently experiencing physical symptoms connected to anxiety and was very happy for me to pray for her about that.  After being prayed for she said that her symptoms had gone and she felt much lighter.  She had a big smile and was so grateful. When they asked me how I was able to do that, it was so easy to talk to them about receiving Jesus and Him living inside me, not a distant sky God but Someone who wants to come and be present forever in people, loving them to their very core.  They seemed to grasp that and were very happy to take my contact card as we parted with hugs.

One of the other two colleagues was busy but the remaining one, “Billie” had been watching on.  I just went over to her and started speaking blessing over her and as I looked at her, it was as if in that moment I somehow knew her, even though we had never met before  – that she has a brother, (yes, and no sisters)  that she needs a medical upgrade in her body and a dental turnaround (though her teeth looked fine).  She was nodding and receiving these words.  “Billie” was very moved when I said “weeping endures for a night but joy comes in the morning”.  I just knew that she knew what this meant.  She was so encouraged to hear that joy was coming, that her tears were known and cherished by God and that He had highlighted this to her today.  It was so precious and just one of those times where you know that you are in the flow of something completely outside of your own space, time or wisdom.

Thank you for the joy of being on team with You today, Holy Spirit, touching the lives of those who don’t yet know Jesus.  I cannot think of anything I would rather do this side of Heaven.  

 PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

Alternatively, email me at Gillyroyal555@gmail.com.









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