Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

Express healing at the checkout


Uxbridge – early November 2019

Just got back in from our flight home in the early morning.  Still in the post-haze of travel and a very late night.  I realised how bleary my concentration was when I arrived at the shopping centre and walked into the Gents washroom by mistake!  That certainly caused a few laughs! (Not mine). But I still wanted to be in town today and I also needed to buy a Birthday gift.

 It occurred to me as I parked up that I had totally forgotten to sit down and have any time with Jesus, or any prayer or worship that morning!  But I said to Holy Spirit that I know He is bigger than all my forgetfulness and is able to work through even the most bleary version of me for the sake of those Jesus loves. So off we went together, loving the fact that He is always the strongest link in our team!! 

It wasn’t too long before I came across two young guys who were at a stand in one of the shopping centres.  The one I spoke with first (Sean) had a chat with me about Albania and we laughed about my blunder with the Gents washroom!  When I asked him about anything I could pray for him, he mentioned a couple of personal issues and I also discovered he had back pain/discomfort (about 4/10 level pain)  He was happy to let me pray for him then and there and after two prayers, Sean had no pain and was able to move freely in ways he hadn’t been able to before.  He said he felt light and relaxed and was very grateful as the issue had bothered him for some time.  Due to other customers, I wasn’t able to record an interview with Sean – I may see him on another occasion in the future, though, and will see how he is then and report back!

Sean also had a colleague “Hans”.  I felt that Holy Spirit gave me a download about him – that he has a strong gift of kindness but there are those who have taken advantage of that and abused his kindness out of their own agendas.  He said “Well that is certainly true” and as I spoke about how God wants to help him with discernment for the future and restoration of what has been taken from him, he was smiling and checking with me what it could mean for him.  As the stand was busy, I could only have a few moments with Hans but it was enough to let him know that it was Jesus who had told me those things about him because He sees and loves him and wants to be involved with every part of his life.  Hans thanked me warmly, saying that he really appreciated that I had stopped to talk and encourage them, especially when many people just grumble at them or act like they aren’t there.

Next up was a lady serving in a well-known store, promoting loyalty cards.  I’ll call her “Amara”.  I’m not quite sure what Amara believes.  We certainly talked about Jesus but Holy Spirit knows what her heart really believes about Him.  Amara said she had experienced healing in her own body last year but wanted me to pray for her Mum and especially her brother who has acute needs at the moment.  I prayed there and then for her brother and she was very grateful for that and felt encouraged.  The whole encounter felt a little strange but I trust you, Holy Spirit, to bring the revelation and freedom that Amara and her family really need, as only You so wonderfully can.

Just one last bit of shopping before going home.  At the cash desk, the cashier serving me was a young Muslim lady “Falisha”.  When I asked her how her day was going, she replied “oh okay” in a very flat tone.  “Oh, that doesn’t sound so okay!” I remarked.  She then explained that she’d had a headache all morning and was just holding on for her shift to end at lunchtime.  It was interesting for me to notice how my inner reaction was that she just needed to get some rest and take some paracetamol.  But when she said “My eyes hurt with it and I think I’m probably going to develop a migraine” something just rose up on the inside of me!  I looked at her directly and said “You are NOT going to have a migraine” then asked her to give me her hand – which she did.  As I held her hand, I commanded the pain in her head to leave in Jesus’ Name and for her head and eyes to be completely clear.  She immediately said “Oh!  That feels better!  It’s different - the pain in my eyes has gone!” I quickly explained that Dr Jesus had set up an appointment for her today  because He loves her and wanted to make her well.  This all happened in a matter of moments and, as other customers were queuing behind me, I said goodbye and left Falisha surprised and smiling!  

Ministry can be a lot of fun when all our ducks are NOT in a row and we get to bumble along and still see Jesus do crazy, beautiful things.  Next time I’d still like to have had a nice sleep and some time together with Him beforehand, though!! 

PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

Alternatively, email me at Gillyroyal555@gmail.com.

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Is "Eny-one" thirsty?... Adventures in Albania!