Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

Grater or Greater?! - Holy Spirit surprises through word-play


A bright and breezy day out in the town centre today made a welcome relief from the non-stop rain of yesterday!  

 There was a group of three young adults promoting an energy product at a stand and I had opportunity to chat with each of them at different points.  Two guys and a girl.  I checked with them if anyone had any aches or pains they would like taken away but they were all doing well physically.  The girl, “Lisa” was intrigued by the idea of people having their pain taken away by Jesus on the spot, though.  “Oh, I wish I could see that!” she exclaimed.  Even though I wasn’t able to demonstrate any healing first-hand today, I gave her my card and explained about this blog so she could read and hear healing stories for herself.  Maybe Lisa is reading this now!!  

 I also felt that Father God was highlighting His desire to “revive creativity” in Lisa.  “Oh, I’m rubbish at anything artistic” she said.  But Father wants to help her approach creativity differently – not to create something “perfect” but for the sheer, unique pleasure of it!  Even to do something creative she had once enjoyed as a child, like bead work or crayoning!  He wants to expand colour and joy in her through creating and absorb her in things that will quiet her mind.  She seemed to connect with this and I could see it had made her thoughtful and thankful.  I felt it was time to move on but more was to come at this stand later!

Sitting quietly on a bench in the sunshine I asked Holy Spirit about the two guys at that stand – “Sam” and “Ahmed”, a Muslim.  What was on His mind for them?  How did He want to encourage them?  I felt He showed me something for each of them that I didn’t understand straight away but He gave me more as I made my way back toward them.  I saw “Sam” first.  A cheeky kind of chappy.  He was surprised and happy that I had prayed for him after our initial meeting.  His word was to do with “Tomorrow’s world” – about him having ideas and strategies for his work and other arenas which would progress things for the future in ways not thought about before.  He was not to dismiss the ideas or inklings he received because they would find a “landing place” with others who would partner with him to get these ideas heard and activated.   He was listening intently and quietly and afterwards thanked me for sharing this – it had found a receptive “landing place” inside him and he was eager to go forward in this as his reality.

Finally, the word for “Ahmed”.  I told him that this involved a play on words!  He too was very appreciative of me praying for him.  The image I had for him was of a cheese grater!  He chuckled when I told him that!  The word was about Ahmed having people and situations that “grated” on him – rubbed him up the wrong way.  Father God was saying that if he would resist the urge to react, fly off the handle or lash out when these “gratings” happen and instead stand back, be calm and wise, then he would be a “greater” man!  (Ahmed laughed again!)  Not only a greater man in himself but also one that others would notice. Including at his work.  His wise handling of difficult people or situations would impress those watching and would cause him to be given “greater” opportunities, responsibilities and even promotion.  Ahmed thanked me sincerely for this word and said he wanted to heed the advice.  I explained again that it was Jesus who had given me those words for Him and I thanked him for letting me share them with him today.  I blessed their stand as I moved on back to the car.

Perhaps you would also remember a lovely young chap called “Al” in your praying?  I encountered him yesterday in the pouring rain on another high street.  He and a few others were raising awareness of knife crime.  Al’s own brother was stabbed and killed two years ago, leaving his parents heartbroken.  Al is now intent on studying medicine and has a place at Uni for this next term.  I felt that Holy Spirit whispered something about a book that Al used to read as a younger boy – his favourite book that also connected to his brother. .  This book might seem too young for him now but there are things in that book that Father God wants to show him and use to help him right now.   Al seemed to know exactly which book that was and thanked me for sharing those words with him.  It was a tender moment as the healing kindness of God reached into the heart of a young man through the stirred memories of a boy.  How wonderful a Father our Heavenly Father is.  

Jesus gives a young homeless man a brand new foot and a brand new start!

Divine healings, hugs and reconnections - all Covid-free!