Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

Divine healings, hugs and reconnections - all Covid-free!


Slowly but surely high streets and shopping centres have been filling up again post-Lockdown.  It feels so good to be out and about once more, even with masks and social distancing.  There are still so many people who need an encounter with Jesus, so many with physical pain that needs taking away or emotional issues that weigh heavy on them.  It seems that Holy Spirit is still just as able to set up encounters, even with the restrictions and uncertainties we face these days!  Here are some stories of just such encounters.

In one local city, I have come to know a lovely South East Asian couple who lead a church and who are passionate about bringing the good news of Jesus to the people of that city.  Every now and then I have teamed up with them to speak and pray with those who come to their stand in the high street for free coffee and a chat. There have been many opportunities to talk and pray with the struggling and the homeless there.  Today as this couple were leaving, a young homeless man “Pete” came over.  I recognised him and he reminded me that I had prayed for him last year when he had a leg issue due to a serious blood clot. He was well now (Yayyy!) but still homeless.  He is a really lovely young guy, intelligent and kind-hearted, not addicted but just suffering the fallout of multiple crises and tragedies in his family and working life. 

The conversation turned to my role as a life coach and from there we had a mini coaching session, looking at those things that Pete would most like to do in life. It was such a “Spirit crafted” conversation, as Pete recalled a certain man who had befriended him some time ago when he lived in the north. This man had a stunning story of turnaround from homelessness, addiction and near death to encountering Jesus while in a hospital coma and literally starting a new life.  He now helps countless others struggling with the things he once had. Pete had found this man so intriguing and inspirational to be around.  He never shoved faith on Pete or manipulated conversations to try and get him to believe.  But Pete saw something in him that he knew must be God. 

Pete exclaimed “I would love to help out with something like that”!  Time to encourage this lad to get back in touch with that friend and see what doors would open through it!  Hope was coming back into his eyes as he exclaimed that he was going to the library now to look up this friend’s ministry and make contact with him again.  He was so grateful for my taking an interest in him and for encouraging him even to think about a future where he could do things he really wanted which could have a powerful impact.  Pete said he knew this must be God at work!  We gave each other “air hugs” but the Heavenly Father’s embrace was all around us.  It felt like a very precious space, holy ground.  Heaven’s hope and strategy were being awakened! Wow!

I also had the opportunity today to pray for healing for “Mo” – a man who yesterday had called paramedics believing he was having a heart attack.  After thorough checks it was diagnosed as stress-related panic but the symptoms were very real.  He allowed me to pray for his heart and for the emotional/mental turmoil he had been feeling leading up to this episode.   As I prayed and released the Peace of Jesus to his body, mind and spirit, he smiled and said “You’ve done it!  It feels better now!  I feel relaxed everywhere!”  I gently reminded him that this was the love and power of Jesus who had lifted his burdens today, not me, and that he could ask that same Jesus to walk with him through the whole of his life.  I rely on you, Holy Spirit, to make that truth known to Mo more clearly than I was able, or had time for, today.   

The wife of the church leader couple I mentioned had long term knee pain which was particularly bothering her today. Her pain scale was 5/10 just standing, worse on walking.  She asked if I would pray for her and as I commanded healing, the pain went down to 3 then 1 then zero!  I checked in with her about half an hour later and she was still pain free and able to flex her knee freely! Thank you Jesus!

As I was about to leave the high street, I smiled to myself as I saw a couple of people setting up a stand for an energy business they represent.  That kind of stand reminded me of “old times” pre-Covid!  As I got nearer I realised that I had met the girl colleague before.  She was literally jumping in excitement, saying how happy she was to see me.  It turned out that I had met this girl exactly  one year ago to the day as she worked for another company at a different stand in the high street!  She reminded me of how I had prayed for her specifically to pass her upcoming driving test which she had failed three times already. This was going to be her last attempt before giving up driving completely.  I never got to hear the outcome of that test – until today!  She had passed!!!  And she said that the very first person she thought of when she got over the shock and emotion of passing - was me! Although she has some mixed-up belief spiritually, she told me that she now gets her fiancé to pray with her each morning that God will protect and guide them both.  Her name is Lana. Her colleague “Samir”, a Muslim, also joined our conversation and there was more opportunity to talk with them both about the healing, breakthrough power of Jesus.  Both of them want to have coffee with me to chat further – so watch this space!  

Finally – would you please join me in praying for a dear older chap called “Mitch”?  I noticed him in another town centre yesterday, walking awkwardly with a stick.  When I asked him about his leg, he told me the problem was actually with his spine – stenosis.  It causes him high level pain among other old injuries/conditions that he is prescribed morphine for, the toll of a working life doing tough physical jobs. Mitch was happy to let me pray for him.  His pain level was 7/10.  After initial prayer the pain went down to 5 then eventually to 3.  I’d love to say it went all the way down to zero but I didn’t feel it was timely to persist any further than I already had but that I needed to let Mitch go on his way.  We had talked about Jesus vs religion.  He is not a believer (yet!) but really appreciated meeting someone who was positive and active in their faith and he wished I lived next door! I encouraged him to go home and thank Jesus for the healing he had already received and to be expectant for the rest!   Will you join me in praying that the Jesus he encountered yesterday will keep on encountering Mitch until he yields to His wonderful love and salvation?  

Grater or Greater?! - Holy Spirit surprises through word-play

Hybrid Healing ...100% Jesus!!