Jesus - ever willing bridge over troubled water
A beautiful summer’s day brought lots of people out to the city high street for their lunch break. The seating areas were nicely full and teenage school students were enjoying time out together in groups or on bikes and scooters.
I had prayed before coming in that Holy Spirit would set up Divine encounters, directing my steps to the right places at the right time for those encounters to happen. I felt drawn to a seating cube where a young man was seated the other side with his back to me. Though I couldn’t see his face, I could sense what was going on in his heart. I had a distinct sense of him feeling hopeless about his future, heavy hearted about going on. I knew the enemy had been feeding him lies.
I asked his name and he replied in a shy but friendly way - “Travis”. I explained how I felt God had highlighted him to me because He knew Travis was struggling, needed encouragement and to be set free from lies telling him that hope was not in his future.
Travis was nodding and agreeing with the things I was telling him. He told me that he is a believer, but that things had been tough for him. He is in his first year of nursing studies and has been away from his family (who live in Africa) without any other family here to support him in the UK. I could see glimmers of courage and a smile start returning to his face, as he realised that God really DOES know his situation and had sent a “Mum” to show him that He knows and wants to encourage him.
At his request, I prayed for Travis - for all the lies he had believed about hopelessness to be broken off him, for faith to rise up and for him to walk forward in confidence that God has a really good, hope-filled future up ahead for him. That same God is with him and will be there for him at every point. I also prayed about some other things in his family that I felt Holy Spirit downloaded in the moment.
When I asked Travis how he was feeling afterwards, he gave me a big smile and said “Relieved”!
It was precious to be a caring Mum to someone whose own Mum couldn’t be there for him in person, but would crave knowing that her son was being cared for by safe, believing encouragers sent by Jesus at just the right time. I know that’s what I crave for my own sons!! Thank you, Jesus for that beautiful privilege today.
At another seating area on a different part of the street, an older chap called out a “Y’orright?” greeting as he passed my bench. I asked how his day was going and we got into conversation. I could sense this chap had some real struggles in life. I couldn’t quite place his accent. Turns out he is Latin American! - “Felipe”. Felipe’s story is too long to detail here, but the main focus of the encounter I had with him was around healing of his back.
He had persistent lower back pain which was about 8/10 on the pain scale when I met him. He was open to me praying for him and told me that he did have faith and had been baptised some years ago. Things had been very hard for him in more recent years, however, and he made references to dark forces that troubled him. I prayed briefly for his back a few times. He could feel some heat and “shaking” in the affected area. Each time I prayed, the pain lessened until he said he felt loose and good! Yayyy Jesus!!
Felipe then received prayer against the forces of darkness he said were tormenting his life and his mind. I led him in prayers of renouncing evil and calling only on the Name of Jesus as his source of life and power. Felipe said he had felt peace through being with me and being prayed for. Something had started to shift for him – now over to you, precious Holy Spirit, to keep this little one safe from the evil one who has chased him down for so many years. So much pain and confusion on the streets of our cities.
There were several opportunities to bless serving staff in the shopping centre or shops and give them scripture blessing cards. My favourite opportunity was with two NHS nurses, serving in the mobile vaccination van. I waited until they were free and went and thanked them for all they were doing and said that I felt God wanted to bless and encourage them today with some Bible words on the cards I had for them. They were both really touched as they read their cards. One of them said “I will keep that card always. It means so much to me. Honestly, if I didn’t have faith, I don’t know how I would have got through this past year”. The other nurse was also really blessed and it was wonderful to see how something so brief and simple as giving those cards, along with a “thank you” for their tireless service, could have imparted such encouragement and strength.
A bit later on, as I entered a card shop, I saw two youngish ladies in the entrance, one had a surgical walking stick and was obviously recovering from a leg injury. Diving straight in, I asked her what had happened and did it hurt?! The lady explained it was an injury from three years ago that still gave her pain today. I offered to pray very briefly - and she said yes!! Her name is “Amber” She and her companion are believers. Her pain level was about 3/10 today but I still went for it and commanded all pain and stiffness to leave and full freedom of movement to return. Amber was grateful and said it felt good. But she was even more glad when I started speaking over her a prophetic download about her being a kingdom warrior, a strong one who doesn’t quit when others have already given in and given up. She is determined and will press on until she sees the outcome that is needed….she was nodding and “amen-ing” as we went along! It all felt really strong!!
Amber then asked me to pray for her cousin, “Carly”, who came over – with a cast on her arm! She had fractured something in her (wrist?) and though this young lady was rather shy and looked uncertain about what was happening (!) I did pray for her briefly and straight down the line, no messing about! On balance I would say she was grateful and glad!!
Beautiful little impromptu church meeting right there in the middle of the shop. I later saw this trio of ladies in the high street and the “warrior lady” said her leg was feeling good! Cause these daughters to rise up in faith to see more of your goodness, Jesus, in their own lives and those of others they influence.
There were a few others who needed some words of encouragement. One young chap I have met before was having a rotten day – he works for an energy firm and depends on commission. He had received nothing but criticism and negativity from customers today - and no new sign ups! Right there with him on the street, I just started praying to break off all the discouragement that was coming against him and to bless him to prosper in his business going forward in such a way that he will know it was God. He then said “I already feel a lot less weighed down after you prayed that”! Then he said - “oh you know what, I forgot to ask God to help me today – I’m sorry God.” I don’t know if this young man is a believer yet, but he is being drawn towards the Father as he recognises that he needs Divine help beyond himself to live life to the full. I seem to bump into this chap a fair bit so I will update again next time!! His name is “Shane”.
Thank you for these and other encounters today, Hope-Bringer Jesus. What an honour to be part of that bridge of love you provide for struggling ones to walk over their troubled waters towards You. Thank you that you love each and every person - even after we move on and forget them. And you never stop pursuing every single one with your radical, saving love. Hallelujah!