During a time of praying for people in our local community, a friend brought her mother-in-law who was briefly visiting from overseas. This dear older lady “Sonya” was struggling to walk, sit down or stand up, even with help. The issue was her knees - especially the left one, where the cartilage had worn away completely. She had bone on bone pain so chronic and severe that, on standing up, she would sometimes fall over from the intensity of it. This had been severely limiting Sonya in her daily life for many months. making her feel very low.
Sonya had very recently become a follower of Jesus and was entirely new to the area of supernatural healing, but she was eager to be prayed for, and so we began.
Scaling her pain to 8/10 at that moment, it was time to take authority in the Name of Jesus over all infirmity and affliction that was plaguing this dear lady. We dealt with any trauma that was connected to this condition and commanded all arthritis or other inflammatory response to be made null and void in her knee. At one point, I felt prompted to declare completely new cushiony cartilage to be installed through the Holy Spirit into Sonya’s knee and for her knee to be completely rebuilt. A brand new knee straight from the storehouse of Heaven! Finally, commanding all pain to leave for good and for full restoration of both knees in its place, it was now time to have Sonya check herself out
To our astonishment, Sonya immediately co-operated by getting up from her chair – unaided – and announced “No!”. I thought she meant that no, the pain hadn’t fully gone and she wasn’t yet healed. But when I questioned her again she said “No! - No pain!! “
“Did you say no pain, none at all ??!” I checked. “No pain!! she repeated” And she proceeded to stand up and sit down again in quick succession, each time fully bending her knees with total ease and great glee! It was amazing! She was completely pain free, and her relative had tears of joy running down her face. We were all clapping and saying Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!!!
Both these friends needed to go fairly soon after that but the fun continued as Sonya practically skipped and ran the whole way out of the building over to their waiting car. Sonya’s relative contacted me later that evening to announce even more miraculous news: Sonja had gone into London that same afternoon and had walked 20,000 steps all around the city!!! This is a lady of senior years who could barely stand or sit, much less walk, before her healing. Sonya’s heart and emotions were also deeply restored after a very difficult season through all she had received during the healing encounter. Wow! Just WOW, Jesus.!!
This wonderful healing took place over two months ago – and I am delighted to report that Sonya is still completely pain free, strengthened in her new faith and thanking God for her healing and miracle new knee every single day.
Is anything too hard for the Lord??!! Oh, Praise Him!!!
Dear Reader, If you have problems with painful knee/s or know someone who does, why not lean on this testimony and receive the same healing for yourself?! What Jesus does for someone else , He can do also for you as you take it by faith!