Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

Santa on the Streets Christmas special

Santa's coming!!

Santa's coming!!

One Saturday in I joined a group from a local church in Berkshire in a Christmas event where they dress up in Santa outfits and give out free balloons, hot chocolate, sweets and leaflets to carol services. There was also a prophetic table with photos and cards that people could choose and then have encouragement spoken over them accordingly.

 I found it frustrating just hanging around the marquee waiting for people to come to me so I chose a card with different coloured daisies on it and I went up to a lady and just started chatting. She was pushing a young adult in a wheelchair.  I gave her the card saying I felt God had drawn me to choose it for her.  She was smiling as she said “Oh, I used to be a florist”!  as the card was full of flowers.  I released a word to her (name Katie)  that God knew that she loved beautiful, bright flowers like those daisies and that he didn't just want her to have a small bunch but a whole field full of daisies as a sign of His love for her. She was really happy with that word  She then explained how she had come to know the local church some years ago and remembered how kind people had been to her. However she then went on to say that she is now a practising Buddhist!!  Trusting you Holy Spirit to sow powerful seed once again into this lady's life through this encounter today. 

I also joined in the conversation another lady was having with a youngish lady who looked very unkempt and in bad physical shape.  It turns out this girl, who had limited English, is from the Czech Republic.  She said that recently her child had been taken away from her by social services because of her drug problem She was very sad to be without her child especially at Christmas and was without a job or other ways of making moneyIt was a very bad situation indeed.  

I asked if we could pray for her and she gladly accepted   As I was praying for her I felt led to pray not just for her life situation to change but also for specific health issues which she hadn't mentioned.  As I spoke them out she nodded her head and said yes in agreement to experiencing those health problems - the first one was allergies in particular asthma then I felt led to pray for digestive issues and also for issues with her feet, for conditions in her feet that were hard to treat, and she attested that she had all of these problems .We prayed over her life in other aspects and released the goodness and the love of God to her.   It was a sad but precious encounter We encouraged her to come to Christmas Eve service as she is fairly local – or at least to find another church near her to go to at Christmas time.  Her name is Yana

I had also picked up two other photos from the prophetic table and was holding them in my hand. I hadn't yet found the people these were for -  I wondered if they would be men as one photo was of a wild hills landscape scene and the other was of a sailing ship in full sail pictured in a stained glass window. 

It was almost time for me to go home when I came across two ladies who had just been given leaflets to the church services.   I began chatting to them about Christmas preparations and shopping etc. One was having Christmas at her house for the first time and was excited and nervous about all the preparations Just at this point I suddenly remembered -  or was reminded ! - of the photos I had and I realised they were for these two ladies!. I explained why I wanted to give them the photos and they were touched by that already.

I started with the lady on my left called "Marie".  I gave her the photo of the wild hills and found myself saying that she is someone who loves being out in the wild places and is restored and finds peace in these places. She started to well up and said that this was making her cry but in a good way! She also explained that she had only recently joined the Ramblers because she loves being outside walking in nature and getting space there. However she hadn't been able to go out with the ramblers recently because of a back injury . I went on to say how God wanted her to know that He knows and loves her so completely that He sent someone who would show her that through the photo -  she was so moved by this.

I moved on to her friend and gave her a photo of the sailing ship which she said was beautiful and I explained that I felt like she was going to voyage in this next year - not just literally to new places she hadn't thought of before but in other ways in her life.  She was going to do new things- to adventure in new ways that she hadn't done before and she would be “in full sail” just like she was doing Christmas this first time at her home. She nodded and was able to understand this as being true and real for herself  Her name is "Shelley" 

I then moved back to "Marie" and asked her about her back and whether it was still painful now She said it was in spasm because she had done some exercises the wrong way and had made it hurt more !  I explained that God loves to heal our bodies and that I would be so happy just quickly to pray for her She was happy about me putting my hand on her back and very briefly I commanded the pain to go, the back to be healed, the spasm to loosen and everything to be restored back to normal.  I didn't even ask her to check it out she just did that for herself and said "I can't believe it!  it's not actually hurting -  normally it would pinch when I do that but it doesn't pinch anymore!! " she was blown away and so was her friend looking on.  It was really cool!  God showed this lady that He knew about her love for walking in the wild places and that He cared for her enough to heal her body from something that was even self induced, so she could continue doing what she loves ! There’s just no limit to the goodness of God Praise Him!!! 

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A supernatural factory reset heals a young man

Chocolate really is from Heaven!!