Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

A supernatural factory reset heals a young man


Uxbridge  Early February 2020


A few nights ago I had a random text message from someone I had prayed for last Autumn in Slough – Andrew.   His story (in previous post “20 second knee rehab”) details how residual knee pain from a really bad accident had left after being briefly prayed for on the High Street.   He was messaging me now to say he had just gone to church for the first time in nearly 25 years (the last time was as a youngster through his school).  His knee continues to do very well!  Yayyyyyyy Jesussssss !!!!  

And in other news…….it’s been a crazy full last couple of months with Christmas and Birthday celebrations, a dose of winter virus and some speaking/training things making my visits to the marketplace few and far between!  It felt so good to be back in town today.  Despite the cold, the sunshine made it feel like Spring really could be coming soon!  

The people I have met recently have mostly led into prophetic encounters – encouraging words or prophetic downloads about particular situations in their lives.  A shop assistant received a download I gave her about concerns over her son (turns out he is a teenager who lives with her parents back in her home country in Eastern Europe).  Another shop assistant elsewhere I felt had issues with her sleeping and when I highlighted this, she confirmed it was true and explained the broken sleep pattern she was in.  She was happy to receive prayer for her sleep, though I could sense she had been disillusioned by religious stuff from her past.  She wants me to come back sometime and speak with her manager who has just started going to church!.

In another town, I had opportunity to pray for a lady called Elizabeth who had various issues going on, one of them being her Mum who was poorly.  Elizabeth received something visibly tangible as she was prayed for and was very thankful for me taking the time to encourage and pray for her.  It was a tender opportunity to speak to her about the goodness of God and the love Jesus has personally for her and her Mum.  It felt like this was brand new news for her. 

Today I came across two youngish guys at a stand in one of the shopping centres.  One called “James”, the other one “Dave”.  We had a good chat and a laugh together about various things.  James was well physically – I did have a couple of downloads for him though about God inviting him to pay particular attention to his dreams at night, because He was going to speak significantly to him through these.  He acknowledged that he does dream often but hadn’t thought to pay much attention to his dreams.  He was curious now about his dreaming!  There was another download for a brother I felt he has (he has one, an older brother) in the realm of him making a decision.  James seemed to know what that meant and kept saying “I respect that, I respect it”.  

When I asked “Dave” about having any physical aches, strains or pains he said “I basically have all of those!  Across my whole body” The worst affected place was his lower back.  He had been in an accident and broken both ankles when he was a teenager and it appears this had thrown the rest of his body out of alignment and so prone to pain.  He was happy to accept my offer of ten second prayer.  I’m not sure if he is a Muslim or whether he has some kind of faith background or not.  Either way, it was appointment time with Dr Jesus!!

He started off with 7/10 scale of pain in his back.  You can hear what happened after prayer in this little audio clip.  

Dave said that his whole body was now feeling loose and pain free, not just his back! Jesus did a whole factory re-set on Dave’s body!

On my way back to the car park, there was a lovely young sales assistant who helped me with something I needed to place on order.  Holy Spirit gave me a little download about her role as a sister in her family and the significance of her impact.  She explained how her father had recently died and she had two younger siblings to help care for.  There was also a download about her being given opportunities to use her voice and make a mark through her words and not to back down from that or think she couldn’t do it!  She understood this for herself and told me of her dream to impact troubled young people.  She also said that her aunt pastors a church and is always telling her “things like this”!  It was cool for her to be hearing it from someone else!!

 It’s a beautiful day in the neighbourhood when Jesus walks with you!



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