Owwww !!
22nd May 2017 SLOUGH
Before I left home I prayed and asked HS to highligh! any areas for healing (even though last time I didn’t find what i thought I heard!) I noted down back pain, mouth issues (dental stuff) and knee pain. I’d never had dental stuff highlighted before so that felt quite specific and intriguing to watch out for.
Things were really slow to begin with. I didn’t really notice anyone I felt i needed to approach. A couple of times I tentatively tried to open conversation with some folk but it wasn’t happening. I continued to walk around asking Holy Spirit for his strategy and also taking authority over all discouragement and negativity trying to stop me pressing on and making me back down.
I went down a certain end of the high street and a youngish girl was there collecting for charity. We had a bit of a chat (she’d come from Bristol) and then I told her what I was doing in Slough and mentioned the health issues I felt I would be praying for that day. This girl – name "Amber" – told me that she had gum disease and a cracked tooth and had a lot of sensitivity in her mouth from nerve pain. (Dental issues!) She was happy to let me pray for her (she said she believed in healing and carried a healing crystal stone around with her !!!!) so I prayed in the name of the Rock our Lord Jesus!!! Afterwards she pressed the part of her mouth that usually hurt and said she could now touch it with no pain! I had also prayed for the crack in her tooth to be repaired so not sure how that went but she said her mouth was pain free and she was really glad!
Up the other end of the high street I met a young man called Chris. He was a colleague of Amber's. He told me that he had a cracked tooth and infection in his mouth!!! He knew there was food stuck in the cracked tooth that was pressing on a nerve and causing pain. How crazy is that?! He didn’t even know that his colleague "Amber" had a very similar issue with dental stuff. I told him what had happened after I prayed for Amber and he was very open to me praying for him. After prayer for his whole mouth situation to be healed he said that he didn’t know if it was “placebo or something” but he definitely felt the trapped food loosen in his tooth while I was praying. I don’t know if I prayed again or just spoke to him but then he suddenly announced “It’s come out!!” the trapped food came out right there and then! I told him that was the power of Jesus!! He was pretty blown away by that. I encouraged him that Jesus did that out of his love for him and that he wasn’t an angry, mean God but one who wanted Chris to have a really full and joy- filled life. He was very happy to hear that. I gave him my card and blessed him on his way.
Next I was at the counter in a store to pay for my item and a friendly faced lady was serving. I felt she was a believer. There was no one else at the counter so I just came out and asked her “How’s your back?”! She was surprised to say the least and asked me “How did you know I have anything wrong with my back?” I explained what I was doing in Slough and how before I came I had felt God highlight back pain in someone he wanted to heal that day. She said "You must be a prophet"!. I replied that I like to tune into God’s heart for people. Anyway it turned out she had ongoing issues with sciatica that really affected her and that just came on suddenly at different times and could take some weeks to recover. She was in a recovery time now after the last attack so her pain wasn’t as bad as usual but still uncomfortable. and hurt after walking.
I was across the counter from her so had her put her hand on her back then held her other hand and commanded the pain to leave and the sciatic nerve to be released and muscles to relax plus re-alignment etc. She kind of tried it out but she was more of the mind that “it would get better in time”. I tried to help her see that Jesus wanted to make it better now and prayed again. I got the impression that she wasn’t used to the concept of being healed and that it was really something for her to think that God would love her enough to send a stranger to come and pray for her. That’s what she remarked on that she wondered if God was telling her he loved ther through that. I totally agreed with her and also encouraged her to believe for that full healing today!!! Isn’t it funny/strange that we believers seem to have a harder time receiving His goodness and healing than total unbelievers do??!!
I felt it was time to go home then ….though I hadn’t come across anyone with the knee issues. Anyway I drove back and stopped at a local shop where i needed something. A lovely lady "Jane" works there - we’ve chatted before about her daughter's wedding among other things. I noticed when she came over to the counter to serve me that she was walking awkwardly with a slight tilt so I asked her …..”Do you have pain in your knees????!!” Oh YES!! she said “is it that obvious?” and I let her tell me about them and how one in particular is really bad. Possibly arthritis, bone on bone or something. She actually started tearing up as she told me about how it is limiting her from doing things and even standing at the counter for any length of time is really hard etc. I explained to her about how I often pray for healing and what Jesus has told me that morning about the three conditions. I had met the first two and seen healing but not the knees yet….she must be my knee lady!
She laughed and let me pray for her saying she does believe in God and prays every night even to Mary and Jesus alongside her “own god” (Hindu) There was no one else in the shop so she sat on a chair and I prayed for her knees which were pain level 8/9. She didn’t sense anything during the prayer but I got her to stand up and test them out and she said they were much easier and she could walk around normally. I prayed as she stood there for realignment and any compensation issues from the other side to be healed. She said she was pain free and able to walk fine! Then two customers came in and after that we didn’t really have more time to talk. I will be going back in a couple of weeks so will see how she's doing. I did say to her that if pain tries to sneak back and convince her that she was never really healed she must tell it NO ! Jesus healed me now get away! And she seemed to understand the need to do that.
A glorious day of seeing those in pain or discomfort receive His mercy in healing. Thank You Holy Spirit and GO JESUS!!!!
PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)
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