Breaking the box - a Holy Spirit specialty
10th May 2017 SLOUGH
I had written down a few pointers before I left – name Frank, Chloe and some conditions like headaches, sleep issues and back problems. (I don't think i went on to encounter any of these particular things!!? Guess I wasn't tuning in well that morning- maybe rushing?). Having said that, I did have a wonderful time and saw Holy Spirit do some amazing things!
The first person I encountered was a lovely young lady from Wales – "Hannah". She knew her name means ‘Grace of God’ because her Grandma had been a believer though no one else in her family is, including Hannah. She and her colleague "Rick" were promoting something at a stand and were just there for the week. I explained what I was doing in Slough and asked if there were any health issues I could pray for? Rick mentioned that Hannah had a sore throat. I asked if it was a viral thing but she then pointed to her neck, where you could clearly see a bulging area beneath the skin about the size of a large marble.
It was a benign cyst on Hannah’s throat that she’d been told would need surgery later in the year and which caused her a lot of dryness and discomfort in the meantime. I told Hannah that Jesus could take care of that right now and put my finger on it lightly and commanded it to leave and for everything to be restored. After the first time she said it definitely felt different, then after the second time of praying she said it was crazy but it did feel much smaller. I think I prayed again and I'm not sure if it totally went or not.
I felt I had gone as far as the encounter needed to go and it was obviously quite a bizarre thing for Hannah to process. She was very grateful though and I gave her one of my cards to keep in touch if she wanted to. I didn’t feel I had anything for Rick prophetically and he didn’t have any health issues but he was watching everything as I prayed and was friendly and open towards me and what I was doing. Pursue them and remind Hannah whenever she feels her throat of what you did that day Holy Spirit. More encounter and revelation for precious Hannah!
The other person I encountered was a man called Ray who was promoting a charity. He came from the Norfolk area ! We talked about all kinds of things and he mentioned that he couldn’t play golf anymore because of a condition affecting his shoulders that meant very limited arm movement , he couldn’t grip things and was in constant high level pain. The doctors/specialists told him there was nothing they could do apart from prescribing strong pain control drugs (a lot of of codeine every day). When I heard that doctors could do nothing for him I was excited! – I knew that Dr Jesus could take away his pain and heal him.
When I first offered to pray, Ray didn’t accept. He said he wasn’t religious and had done lots of things, even terrible things, that he wasn't proud of in his life. Having reassured him that he was the perfect person for God to heal and what did he have to lose, Ray did accept my offer to pray. I am putting his story below in audio form ( there’s a silent pause at the beginning but it does continue!!) It's a short interview with him afterwards. It was priceless seeing his reaction! He just couldn’t get his head around what had happened to him. He said “I’m going to have to rethink everything now” (meaning God and his future) YESSS!!!! Come on !!!!
Pursue Him Holy Spirit and don’t let him explain away something that cannot be explained away other than that You encountered and healed him!! Glory, glory, glory to You!!
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