It hurts!
Slough, July 2016
My first encounter was with a young lady called "Mia". She was promoting an internet company on the high street. Before I left for Slough I had asked Holy Spirit if there were certain specific conditions He wanted to highlight for healing that day. I felt he highlighted upper back region across the shoulders and neck area, knee pain, possibly hips too and headaches.
I told Mia that it may sound crazy but I'm a Christian who loves to pray for people and see them get healed instantly by God. She seemed quite okay with that - I think she has some kind of faith background and said she did believe in God. When I mentioned the different conditions she said she had the neck and shoulder pain exactly how I described it and on a pain scale it was about 5/10. She was happy to let me pray for her and when I asked her what she was experiencing she said she'd felt like a cool breeze flow over the injured area and then down her whole body! She said the pain was less and let me pray a second time and then said it was better!. I told her this was God's way of saying how much He loves her and wants to be even closer to her in her life. She was really thankful I had stopped and blessed her and said it must have been a meeting made by God. It was a pleasure to pray for her and so “cool” to see Jesus heal her!!
The next folk I came across were two young ladies in the shopping centre, running a stand for an indoor leisure park. I chatted to one while the other took a work callI then asked her if anyone had given them an encouraging word today?! "No, not really, most people just pass by and don’t even want to talk or else they think we are from another park somewhere else in Slough".! The other girl rejoined at this point and I asked them both if they got aches and pains from standing there a lot of the time? They quickly said “Oh yes! They don’t sit down all day and it really hurts their backs and joints. Then I said " this might just sound really crazy but I’m a Christian who doesn’t just stay inside a church but who loves to go out and pray for people and see God take their pain away instantly". When I asked if they had any pain now that I could pray for, one said “No” but the other said YES!
She then described ongoing back pain that went down her leg and was made worse from her dancing. She had been dancing yesterday and it was hurting now - about pain scale 7/8 on 10. . The other girl by now admitted she also had pain - her joints were aching from a joint issue as well as hip dysplasia where her hips are the wrong shape and her ligaments are weak! The girls names were "Aaliah" (I believe she is a Muslim) and "Zoe". I prayed for "A" (the dancer) first. She tested it out by twisting and bending the way it would usually make it hurt most. The pain had gone down from near 8 to a 5 and was now concentrated in a certain spot.. I prayed again for the specific spot and when she tried it out she squealed "I don’t believe this!!" and was then speechless. The pain had completely gone no matter how much she twisted or bent!! I asked her what she had experienced as I prayed and she said it was sort of like being "spaced out” but in a way she couldn’t explain! She was pretty overcome by it all. I asked her did she know why it had happened and she said no – so I told her how God really loves her and wants her to be well and to be in every part of her life to the fullest.
Next it was "Zoe’s turn – I prayed for her twice too, commanding the dysplasia to be healed. her ligaments to be strengthened and all pain to go. Her pain level had been 4 or 5/10 and it came down each time until she said it was better. She said she had felt "sort of goose bumps" as I prayed but again couldn’t really explain what it felt like. After that it was easy to talk about the love of God, His power and His Son Jesus and ask them if they know Jesus. They talked about different members of their family who were “religious” and "Zoe's"'s step father who went to church- but I was able to tell them about having a love relationship with Jesus not based on what you do or rituals or culture but Him living inside you and explained a bit about that in my own life. They seemed to understand and were intently listening. I asked them if they wanted my help to ask Jesus to come and live inside them now and they hesitated but said not right now, I encouraged them to ask Him on their own with a sincere invitation and I also gave them each my email address in case they want to contact me. Yay God!
Before I went home I met two Muslim young guys at a mobile phone stand. I had prayed for the brother of one guy before and asked how he was? I don’t think he understood very well but the other man who I’d not met before seemed to cotton on. I explained to this one that i was a Christian who prayed for people and God took away their pain instantly. The new guy (also a Muslim) asked "Will you pray for me? “Of course!” I said “I would be delighted and honoured. What would you like prayer for?” He said it was for his heart being broken – emotional pain.
His girlfriend had gone off with someone close to him two weeks ago and his heart was broken. I was able to pray for him there and speak comfort and healing through the name of Jesus. Also for him to go on a journey of forgiveness towards these two people who had hurt him so his heart wouldn’t have the burden of unforgiveness and bitterness. He received this and at the end when I asked him if he had felt something as I prayed said it felt like his heart was being held and healed on the inside of him!! I explained that it was the love of Jesus and His power that had done that. His name was "Sam”. The other guy didn’t want prayer as he said he goes to the mosque and gets all he needs there for his difficulties . I smiled and blessed them and left.
A beautiful day in Slough Thank you Jesus. I am so privileged to get to boast about how amazing you are to these different treasures you arrange for me to encounter with your love!!
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